| |September 20198CAPTIVE OFFSHORING HAS EVOLVED FAR ABOVE TRADITIONAL VALUE ADDITIONS ATTRACTING QUALITY TALENTBeyond a successful startup CEO, Ajeesh is a swift troubleshooter, an efficient IT infrastructure planner and administrator, and a diligent technical account manager.Captive centres, otherwise known as Global in-house Centres (GICs) owned by parent companies at another coun-try, mostly the US, since the turn of this century is living proof that businesses are back crossing the limits of geographic boundaries. Loaded with benefits like lower cost incurrence and better operational & strategic advantages, these GICs also brought-in data security, risk reduction and new business sys-tems & processes. India is among the leading countries that offer an unparalleled environment for GICs because the Indian government policies encourage the captive units to function with lesser hurdles. The lower cost of manpower and oper-ations offered in India provide a competitive advantage for global organisations. Improved produc-tivity has been achieved over two decades in a more efficient manner with the work being outsourced by global industry houses. Captive offshoring has matured over the last 20 years, as advanced talent was being deployed with manpower continuously acquiring new skillsets. Deep customer in-sights, research and innovation in By Ajeesh Kumar, Associate Director, Netrix IndiaTHOUGHT LEADERSHIPAjeesh Kumar,Associate Director
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