| | AUG 20199more scalable to allow engagement between classes of all sizes, and teachers have more time to focus on making their subjects as fun and interesting as they are engaging for their pupils.Individualized Learning: Since learning styles differ from child to child, personalised learning can assist those children who face challenges learning (like those children with ADHD, autism or dyslexia). While it's not manually possible for a teacher to cater to every child's ability in a class of 30 students, AI can. And it can help kids experiment to find which is the best way they can learn new skills - all in a scalable way. To this end, schools, colleges and uni-versities can use AI to design curriculum, test and feedback to students on all levels.Making Education Accessible to All: AI-enabled tools make classrooms available to all despite lan-guage, location or physical impairment. This helps such students in pursuing education who might not be able to undertake education otherwise for variety of reasons. How? Think about a student who can take classes virtually because they've been in the hospital for eight weeks. Or the child who's family travels fre-quently - she could attend classes no matter where she is in the world.Automating Admin Job: A teacher spends hours weekly, or even daily, in assigning and assessing homework and tests. With the help of AI, this task could be done faster and easier for teachers who of-ten take their students assignments home to grade them. This allows more time for teachers to in-vest in each student or other activities that engage the classroom.Automated Grading: Grading can be a difficult, and sometimes burdening process for teachers. In-stead, AI-based computer programs can replicate a teacher's behaviour to assign grades to students' tests. This standardizes assessing every child's knowledge and keeps the teacher available to do other more pressing work. Thereafter, feedback on performance and the plan.Virtual Teachers: Although it's happening slowly, some universities are introducing virtual teachers and faculty who are useful in helping students who may not be available in classrooms all the time.Chat Campus: International universities are us-ing AI to design systems that could help students on the campus in various ways. The AI-enabled program or a Chabot called chat campus would be answering questions about the campus. For example, where will the next class take place or what are the de-tails on the next assignment? These free-up time for both teachers as well as administrators to do more pressing tasks. Adaptive Learning: This is assumed to be one of the most crucial areas where AI could be beneficial in educational settings. With the help of AI, schools could be enabled to keep track of the progress of each student and make alterations in the course and update the teacher about the challenges that every student faces.Better Institutional Management: With a growing number of schools across the globe, there is an in-creasing interest in school management platforms for educational administrators. AI helps create such platforms which can assist institutions with recruit-ment, student information and fee collection, just to name a few points.Safety & Security: For any educational institution, it's crucial to keep violence and bullying in check. Thankfully, with the help of AI, spotting patterns in a student's behaviour or conduct to gauge violence in the school is made easy. Students who are consistent-ly violent towards others can be handled with more humanity, but can also be better tracked to ensure their pattern of violence is stopped. ConclusionAI in education has the opportunity to improve qual-ity time between teacher and student. AI can overall improve the system for students, teachers and ad-ministrators. Though certainly, there should be con-sideration into the execution of these systems of AI, their development and utilization can add value to institutions of education worldwide. I IS BEING USED TO HELP STUDENTS NOT JUST FIND THE RIGHT STUDY MATERIAL, BUT ALSO TO ASSIST THEM WITH FINDING SOLUTIONS TO THEIR MOST PRESSING CHALLENGES
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