EdTech today, Smarter Workforce Tomorrow

EdTech today, Smarter Workforce Tomorrow

Today, the future of learning and development revolves around technology. With schools and colleges shutting down due to the Covid-19 led lockdown, teachers and parents have been worried about academics and loss of time in terms of learning that students will face. This has been the biggest disruption that Education space has ever witnessed where leading educational institutes are adopting newer technologies to facilitate learning. With the boom of technology and affordable internet services in the last few years, almost every sector has been drastically reformed- especially the education sector. Education Technology familiarly referred to as EdTech or EduTech has brought a revolutionary change in how far, how deep, and how well the education is disseminated across the country.

Conventional educational systems seem to take the back seats, as the students and teachers both, try and embrace all the comfort, convenience, and efficiency that is offered by the EduTech learning platforms. The Indian Education Sector values up to $100 billion and has been experiencing quite a lot action in terms of Edtechstartups
with statistics stating that the number of students, registering for online courses has been steadily increasing at the rate of 70 percent per year. The EdTech sector is taking online education to the next level in India and is thus growing at a rapid pace. However, the wave of EduTech is not only helping the young students but also unfolding possibilities for those professionals who are looking to upgrade their skills. A rapid increase in flexible learning environments is allowing students as well as employed professionals to study together or independently. With the increasing speed of technological changes, it has made it critical for edtech companies to stay ahead of technology trends and be able to anticipate disruptions. In this annual issue of CEO Insights magazine, we have showcased β€˜Top 10 EdTech Startups - 2021’, a list which represents some of the young startups which have stepped up to cash on the opportunity to steer Indian edtech space towards growth. We are proud to feature some of their success stories in our current edition; do read to know more about them.

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