
The Art Seekers

The Art Seekers

Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor, 0

I am an ardent fan of art in any form whether it’s painting, craft, music, dance, miniatures or others. Art is what keeps me going almost every day. Many would vouch on this, and India is surely walking towards the golden period of art & culture. Thanks to art galleries both online and offline the love is just spreading. We all want a small piece of art in our home which speaks volumes about us, which reflects what we stand for, and which says a story that we all want to listen to.
But for long, paintings were confined to the elite class due to the cost and reach. However, in the recent times, some art lovers have taken upon themselves to bridge this gap and bring world-class art masterpieces to every common man’s reach. Thanks to them, we now often see several art galleries organizing exhibitions of arts from nationally and internationally famed artists. Not just these, the art galleries also help their clients preserve their old and timeless paintings through preserving them and restoring their glamor. Apart from this, these art galleries act as the perfect plinth for the new and emerging artists to launch their career and reach to masses.

Featuring some such art galleries in our current edition of CEO Insights Magazine’s ‘Top 10 Art Galleries - 2020’, we have curated a list of such galleries who are known to provide authentic paintings & art pieces from across the globe, apart from restoring the old classics. Many started their art galleries for the love of art and to promote local art & culture too. Read to know more about them.
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