Kumar Avinash
Managing Director
Born in the little town of GAYA in the state of Bihar, which is famous for the old 'Lord Buddha,' Kumar decided to forego his higher education and pursue a career in business in the year 2004. After putting in a considerable amount of effort, Kumar was able to establish a thriving firm in Bihar under the name Urmila International Services and expand it quickly. Within a short time, the firm expanded to become the biggest manpower provider in Bihar, eventually leading an annual business of almost 500 crores annual turnover.Kumar, as an entrepreneur, is dedicated to his work and focused on the bigger picture. When it comes to what makes a successful entrepreneur, Kumar believes the ability to roll with the swings and adjust to novel situations is paramount.
Below is an excerpt of Kumar Avinash's exclusive interaction with CEO Insights magazine.
How has been your professional journey so far and what drives you today?
I've been working as an IT professional since 2004. It has been both exciting and demanding. In everything I do, I compete with myself for the best possible outcome.
Furthermore, Urmila's development has been steady so far, however, there is still much room for advancement. The simple goals of 'EXCEL' and 'DELIVER' in whatever I do motivate me and my team constantly.
How would you define Urmila International Services as an organization and its position in the market? What is the unique proposition that your organization offers to its clients?
Urmila is now the most popular choice among state government entities because of its reputation for integrity, excellent human resource practices and an open and accessible Compliance Management System.

UISPL's work and what it provides to its customers are characterized by two key and powerful features: One is we are certain that we will always be able to provide all services and resources that are inside the realm of the attainable. Furthermore, we prioritize doing the right thing above doing the easy thing.
Reflect on some of the major challenges you have experienced in your journey so far. How did you overcome them and what did you learn from them?
Our company encountered significant challenges in embracing and using a 'DIVERSIFIED' commercial product range, in addition to the more widespread difficulties presented by CORONA. Currently, we are engaged in the whole gamut of the Flexi Manpower Business, which ranges from the provision of highly skilled professionals like doctors and paramedical professionals to the provision of low-level workers like sweepers, peons, and housekeepers.
My `success mantra' is to keep myself unburdened by mundane tasks so that I may focus on expanding my business
How would you define Urmila International Services as an organization and its position in the market? What is the unique proposition that your organization offers to its clients?
Urmila is now the most popular choice among state government entities because of its reputation for integrity, excellent human resource practices and an open and accessible Compliance Management System.

UISPL's work and what it provides to its customers are characterized by two key and powerful features: One is we are certain that we will always be able to provide all services and resources that are inside the realm of the attainable. Furthermore, we prioritize doing the right thing above doing the easy thing.
Reflect on some of the major challenges you have experienced in your journey so far. How did you overcome them and what did you learn from them?
Our company encountered significant challenges in embracing and using a 'DIVERSIFIED' commercial product range, in addition to the more widespread difficulties presented by CORONA. Currently, we are engaged in the whole gamut of the Flexi Manpower Business, which ranges from the provision of highly skilled professionals like doctors and paramedical professionals to the provision of low-level workers like sweepers, peons, and housekeepers.
How do you maintain the perfect balance between your personal and professional life? What is your success mantra?
I firmly believe in 'DELEGATING/ EMPOWERING' my team members to take all Business Decisions unless they feel it is vital for me to intervene. More recently we've implemented a daily, half hour assessment of the state of the business to assess any outstanding concerns and measure any gains made.
In addition, my `SUCCESS MANTRA' is to keep myself unburdened by mundane tasks so that I may focus on expanding my business.
Why did you choose Bihar to be the breeding ground for your business? How has been the city favoring you so far?
Since Bihar is where I was born, having the opportunity to work here and make even a small impact is really meaningful to me. I feel comfortable doing business in this city since I am familiar with it. Also, my sense of accomplishment and pride grows with each passing milestone.
In light of your strong experience in the industry, what advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?
Very simple, as I always say 'Unleashing Limitless Potential is Humanly Possible'. And I always believe, If anyone CAN, you also CAN!
Kumar Avinash, MD, Urmila International Services
Born in a small town of Bihar, `GAYA' which is well known for ancient `Lord Budhha', Kumar is a dropout from college and became an entrepreneur in the year 2004. Kumar Avinash is the founder of Urmila International Services, which became the largest Manpower provider within the State of Bihar. Currently, he is heading a business of approximately 500 Cr turnover on an annual basis.
•Hobbies: Keeping up-date on all fronts,
•Inquisitive to know the facts
•Favourite Cuisine: Simple Indian Vegetarian food
•Favourite Book: The Secret
•Favourite Travel Destination: Hill stations, especially North-east
Awards & Recognition:
•The Company was Recognized as Top 100 MSMEs in India, in 2016
•Selected, Top 10 Entrepreneurs in Bihar in the year 2021,
•Recognized and become a part of 'DUN & BRADSTREET, 2022
I firmly believe in 'DELEGATING/ EMPOWERING' my team members to take all Business Decisions unless they feel it is vital for me to intervene. More recently we've implemented a daily, half hour assessment of the state of the business to assess any outstanding concerns and measure any gains made.
In addition, my `SUCCESS MANTRA' is to keep myself unburdened by mundane tasks so that I may focus on expanding my business.
Why did you choose Bihar to be the breeding ground for your business? How has been the city favoring you so far?
Since Bihar is where I was born, having the opportunity to work here and make even a small impact is really meaningful to me. I feel comfortable doing business in this city since I am familiar with it. Also, my sense of accomplishment and pride grows with each passing milestone.
In light of your strong experience in the industry, what advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?
Very simple, as I always say 'Unleashing Limitless Potential is Humanly Possible'. And I always believe, If anyone CAN, you also CAN!
Kumar Avinash, MD, Urmila International Services
Born in a small town of Bihar, `GAYA' which is well known for ancient `Lord Budhha', Kumar is a dropout from college and became an entrepreneur in the year 2004. Kumar Avinash is the founder of Urmila International Services, which became the largest Manpower provider within the State of Bihar. Currently, he is heading a business of approximately 500 Cr turnover on an annual basis.
•Hobbies: Keeping up-date on all fronts,
•Inquisitive to know the facts
•Favourite Cuisine: Simple Indian Vegetarian food
•Favourite Book: The Secret
•Favourite Travel Destination: Hill stations, especially North-east
Awards & Recognition:
•The Company was Recognized as Top 100 MSMEs in India, in 2016
•Selected, Top 10 Entrepreneurs in Bihar in the year 2021,
•Recognized and become a part of 'DUN & BRADSTREET, 2022