
IIT Roorkee Startup Wins Top Spot in 'Dare to Dream 4.0' Contest


LinearizedLinearized Amplifier Technologies and Services (Linear-AmpTech), a startup based at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, has taken top honors in the 'Dare to Dream 4.0' contest hosted by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). Linear-AmpTech's groundbreaking Gun-Shot detection and location estimation system secured first prize in the 'Open category: Exploring the Unthinkable and Unimaginable.'

The startup and the institute presented their innovative technology to DRDO officials at the IIT Roorkee campus, showcasing the system's potential through a live demonstration. The system's precision and speed in detecting and pinpointing gunshots impressed the judges, positioning it as a game-changer in enhancing situational awareness.

Professor Karun Rawat, Founding Director of Linear-AmpTech and Associate Professor at IIT Roorkee, emphasized the transformative potential of the technology, which can significantly improve soldier safety and aid in preventing city crimes by detecting gunshots early. 

The Gun-Shot detection and location estimation system promises to redefine situational awareness in both warfare and public safety contexts. The technology's development aligns with India's broader initiatives like 'Viksit Bharat' and 'Skill India,' highlighting the commitment to innovation, skill development, and empowering the nation's youth.

Linear-AmpTech's achievement demonstrates the value of cutting-edge research and development in advancing security and safety technologies, positioning IIT Roorkee and its startup as leaders in this critical field.