Power of Intuitions, Energy Helps Business Leaders

Shraddha Subramanian- India’s first Intuition Expert, Certified Business & Executive Coach, Founder & CEO, Sparkling Soul, 0
The oscillation between operational challenges and business development pulls the leaders apart if they are not driven in the right manner. Energy plays a very vital role in leadership success. When a leader has the right energy, the decision-making becomes a creative game and when the leader lacks energy, every decision creates decision fatigue.
Having the Right Energy is a Game of Making Sure the Leader is not Falling into the Trap of Energy Drains. The Energy Drains are:
1. Hiding one, ideas, creativity, and progressive thoughts to just fit in makes the leader give away so much energy in keeping the peace. This kills the innate performance of the leader causing dissatisfaction of not using one's talent to the full. Every single day being someone who you are not drains a huge amount of energy taking away the focus on growth to protecting oneself.
2. Saying and not doing things is another massive energy leak. This makes the boundary shift from a committed person extending himself/herself to someone unsure of their potential and capabilities. This causes a reduction in performance where many things that can be done are shrinking to only some that need to be done.
3. The need and want becomes way apart. The game of survival begins and what needs to be done flows always. Wants to remain as a far-fetched dream as the needs keep the leader small for making any bold decisions for growth.
Understanding the energy leaks and working on them to show up as who you are creating massive growth. An
energy map is a great tool for identifying the energy pattern. This helps me to be aware of where my energy leak is happening and how I can live full of energy all the time. Chalking out your energy every hour as high, medium, low, very high, or very low can help you in pointing out areas where you feel yourselves, the high energy zones, and where you do not belong at all the very low energy zone. Do this for a week to get a complete picture of your current energy levels.
Now Asking these Questions can Help you Decide your Pattern
1. What kind of people/challenges/situations I am interacting with during my low, high & medium energy zone?
2. What is my internal dialogue with myself during my low, high & medium energy zone?
Once you get a clear understanding of your current situation, start to replicate the feeling of a high-energy zone more and more. Change your internal dialogue, your responses to people, and situations draining your energy as you are the one who has the power to choose your response.
Slowly you would see your energy levels growing very fast and you feel more is getting done during the day increasing your productivity massively. The choices you are making now are contributing to exponential growth and there is more creativity and ease in your way of being the leader. Your bouncing-back abilities grow by holding your energy container in place. By reducing your energy leaks you have expanded your energetic container to hold more and accomplish more.
With high energy then, the creativity is at its peak and your intuitive self can guide you better. You can listen to your internal navigation system, that gut feeling, that inner guidance that has answers to all your questions. The intuitions do not work when pressure and negative thoughts are running into your system.
As a leader, your energy and intuitions are the powerhouse of massive growth and success. Taming your energy can create expansion with a lot of ease.
Now Asking these Questions can Help you Decide your Pattern
1. What kind of people/challenges/situations I am interacting with during my low, high & medium energy zone?
2. What is my internal dialogue with myself during my low, high & medium energy zone?
Once you get a clear understanding of your current situation, start to replicate the feeling of a high-energy zone more and more. Change your internal dialogue, your responses to people, and situations draining your energy as you are the one who has the power to choose your response.
As a leader, your energy and intuitions are the powerhouse of massive growth and success. Taming your energy can create expansion with a lot of ease.
Slowly you would see your energy levels growing very fast and you feel more is getting done during the day increasing your productivity massively. The choices you are making now are contributing to exponential growth and there is more creativity and ease in your way of being the leader. Your bouncing-back abilities grow by holding your energy container in place. By reducing your energy leaks you have expanded your energetic container to hold more and accomplish more.
With high energy then, the creativity is at its peak and your intuitive self can guide you better. You can listen to your internal navigation system, that gut feeling, that inner guidance that has answers to all your questions. The intuitions do not work when pressure and negative thoughts are running into your system.
As a leader, your energy and intuitions are the powerhouse of massive growth and success. Taming your energy can create expansion with a lot of ease.