Anil Pereira: Driving Car Owner's Dreams Through Distinctive Doorstep Services | CEOInsights Vendor
Anil Pereira: Driving Car Owner's Dreams Through Distinctive Doorstep Services

Anil Pereira: Driving Car Owner's Dreams Through Distinctive Doorstep Services

Anil Pereira,    CEO

Anil Pereira


"Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another", John Maxwell. Anil Pereira, CEO of DYD, is one such influential leader who has been able to anticipate the future and delivered the results as well.

An IIT Mumbai Alumni, Anil has been incorporating his learnings in the corporate and social sectors. The diligent leader is known for his profuse knowledge of technologies innovations and his exceptional coordination skills with multinational teams.

He moves ahead with a clear vision of the objectives and carries the team along to ensure proficiency. Over the years, Anil has been instrumental in setting up startups from scratch and directing operations, businesse steams to prosperity.

Let's hear more from him.

Tell us about the challenges and how did you overcome those challenges in your professional journey to reach your current destination?
Moving from the corporate world to the Startups was a big challenge for me in my professional journey. But at the same time, I was fortunate to be surrounded by sets of young minds who always kept me on my foot. I learned to respect these young talents and their opinions.
These people brought ample knowledge as well as problem solving skills to the table. Together we were able to overcome a lot of hurdles to take these ventures to great heights. Today I enjoy being in a place where I am able to create new things constantly.

DYD is an early mover, which aspires to lead the future ready transformation of Electric Vehicles and walk along with this evolution that will transform the maintenance of our vehicles

What has been the influence of IIT Mumbai on your professional journey? What were the learnings acquired by you, and do you apply them in your current role?
IIT Mumbai is a vast repository of knowledge which supports startup ecosystem with a wide network of alumni. These have been big influencers in my entrepreneurial journey passion for creating something new. Some of the key things I always carry from my IIT days is thinking differently, using experience and innovation to accelerate growth.

How would you define DYD as an organization? Elaborate about the company's services portfolio and what makes customers prefer its services.
DYD is a new-age organization that uses technology to solve the prob
lems of car owners. It operates in a very niche space, where our strategy is to fulfill car owners' immediate requirements and then build a tailwind strategy to grow exponentially. We emphasize on our customer's convenience.

We have designed a fully equipped service vehicle to help us perform the best car service at our customer's doorstep. We cover services like periodic maintenance, repairs, and replacement. Our technicians are trained to achieve high quality workmanship and assure topmost quality to our customers.

What are your anticipations on market behavior and the opportunities you see fit in achieving the company's future plans?
Driverless cars, electric vehicles, and connected mobility are very soon going to evolve the automobile landscape, and it is anticipated that the transformation is going to be huge. Our Minister of Transport, Mr. Gadkari, has been very upbeat on EV development. So, at DYD, our goals are aligned with the future of EVs, and we look to lead the market in EV battery replacements or battery swapping.

Anil Pereira, CEO, DYD
An IT specialist and an inspirational leader, Anil is certified with a Six Sigma Green Belt and has been excelling in multiple corporate & social ventures. Apart from being the CEO of DYD, he is also the co-founder of myUDAAN.

Hobbies:Listening to music
Favorite Cuisine: Mughlai
Favorite Travel Destination: Kerala
Favorite Book: Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Awards & Recognition: Received the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People award by the Government of India Recognized by the Global Forum Inclusion Award

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