Mathusudhana S K: An Innovative Leader Empowering Indias Green Energy Industry | CEOInsights Vendor
Mathusudhana S K: An Innovative Leader Empowering Indias Green Energy Industry

Mathusudhana S K: An Innovative Leader Empowering Indias Green Energy Industry

  Mathusudhana S K,    CEO

Mathusudhana S K


With increasing concerns about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions, there has been a surge in investments and initiatives to harness clean energy. In this dynamic landscape, Mathusudhana S K emerges as a notable leader. Holding the position of CEO at Inox Green Energy Services Ltd., Mathusudhana has played a pivotal role in driving the progress of this sector and contributing to the betterment of our planet. With a Master's in Business Administration from the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, and a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the field. His leadership is dedicated to empowering the green energy sector, ultimately benefiting billions of individuals and fostering a more sustainable environment for our world. Discover more insights below.

Give us an overview of your professional background and journey. Also, explain what drives your daily routines.
With over 18 years of experience, my career spans Mergers and Acquisitions as well as operations within the Power sector, encompassing Thermal, Wind, Solar, Energy Storage, and Hydrogen Generation. I have contributed to organizations like NTPC Ltd, Adani Power, Ostro (Renew), SB Energy, Blupine Energy (Actis), and currently, I'm the CEO at Inox Green Energy, a listed wind O&M company which is part of the US$ 5 billion INOXGFL group. Here, my journey involved nurturing the business from its inception to its current maturity, which helped mould my character and facilitated the formation of successful teams. Notably, I've been involved in several M&A transactions for renewable energy assets and services. My driving force lies in consistently enhancing my abilities to tackle formidable challenges and attain personal and
company objectives.

Can you elaborate on the distinctive offerings of IIM Lucknow in terms of experiences, and share insights gained beyond the academic realm during your time on campus?
IIM Lucknow is renowned for providing a comprehensive and immersive learning experience extending beyond conventional academics. The campus life at IIM Lucknow is meticulously crafted to nurture personal and professional development. It presents students with a myriad of opportunities to hone their abilities, broaden their perspectives, and cultivate enduring connections. The exceptional encounters that contribute to my well-rounded education encompass invaluable teachings from esteemed mentors. Their unwavering commitment and fervour, coupled with profound knowledge, underscore continuous learning through research and a receptivity to insights gleaned from discussions. No query or question is dismissed as insignificant; instead, thoughtful consideration precedes any assertion of error. A humble attitude towards confirming the answer to any question is something to learn. ‘Any idea may be incorrect, but it is certainly not bad.’

By upholding transparency in communication and consistently acting by promises and necessities, a leader solidifies their position in the heart of every employee

How do you define Inox Green Energy Services as an entity and its current standing in the market? What sets your organization apart in terms of client offerings?
IGESL holds a unique position as the only publicly listed renewable O&M company in India. It is part of the US$ 5 billion INOXGFL group, which is one of India’s most esteemed conglomerates with a rich history of over nine decades and interests across chemicals and renewables. IGESL stands out as a stable and asset-light business, generating consistent annuity-based cash flows through long term contracts. I believe IGESL will be among the frontrunners in capturing and benefitting from the forth coming

Tell us about your approach to leadership. What principles or methodologies guide your leadership style?
In my view, a leader must possess an approach ability that encourages open communication, coupled with the capacity to listen, adapt, and display strength when required. A leader must understand both the challenges which employees face and the strengths as well as weaknesses of the system, enabling them to take tangible corrective measures and foster trust within their team. Employees constitute a crucial foundation for any organization, making it essential to maintain their motivation and agility. This is achieved by aligning individuals with their suitable roles and empowering them to carry out their responsibilities with a sense of account ability. By upholding transparency in communication and consistently acting by promises and necessities, a leader solidifies their position in the heart of every employee.

What lies ahead as your ultimate goal?
I consider my journey to be just starting, and I'm committed to putting in increased effort to come closer to my envisioned objective. The process of building and expanding my organization holds the potential to positively impact countless individuals and enhance the sustainability of our planet. I am confident that my current path aligns well with achieving this goal.

What advice do you have for emerging leaders in the field?
The key lies in timing the commencement, formulating a well-thought out strategy, putting in diligent effort, and adjusting our trajectory as and when required until we reach our destination. Every goal is attainable and well within our reach. To make sound decisions, it's crucial to remain vigilant and receptive to the information around us.

Mathusudhana S K, CEO, Inox Green Energy Services
Mathusudhana S K is the CEO at Inox Green Energy Services Ltd. with 18+ years of experience in Management, Operations, M&A, and Regulatory Affairs expertise. He is currently on a mission to revolutionize India's sustainable energy landscape, positioning the nation for a cleaner tomorrow.

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