Yashpal Singla: An Industry Stalwart With A Zeal To Drive Iotasol To Greater Heights | CEOInsights Vendor
Yashpal Singla: An Industry Stalwart With A Zeal To Drive Iotasol To Greater Heights

Yashpal Singla: An Industry Stalwart With A Zeal To Drive Iotasol To Greater Heights

 Yashpal Singla,     CEO

Yashpal Singla


The IT services industry is a booming market segment in India with more and more players entering the vertical on a consistent basis. While many struggle to cope with the increasing competition, pioneering business organizations like Iotasol thrive in these situations. Driven by their core values of Excellence, Sustainability, Authenticity, Account ability, Imagination, and Collaboration, Iotasol has been able to create a premier IT services provider that aspires for excellence. In order to cater to the varied requirements of their clients, the company has created a diversified service portfolio that includes digital product development, digital transformation, knowledge process outsourcing, and technology outsourcing. Yashpal Singla is the brains behind Iotasol and under his expert guidance, the firm has been able to break new business frontiers and strive for greater heights in the industry.

In an exclusive interview with CEO Insights, Yashpal talks more about his professional journey and the unique business operations of Iotasol.

Can you talk more about your entrepreneurial journey and what motivated you to start Iotasol?
I always had an aspiration to start my own business and I had vast experience in the IT arena. Both these factors led to the establishment of Iotasol in 2010 and prior to the company’s inception, I started working as afreelancer which gave me much needed flexibility and entrepreneurial experience to start a proper business.

When we started, it was a one man show with me running all the different facets of our operations. Later, my partner Akhilesh Aggarwal
joined the firm and even though the initial days were hard, we were able to pull through and lay a strong foundation for our business.

Since our inception, I have prioritized creating an inclusive working environment where every one of our team members are treated as family. Over the years, this has helped us to create a cohesive team of pioneering professionals who are passionate about working together in order to derive positive outcomes for both us and our clients. Talking more about clients, we have always remained committed to offering best-in-class services and this has been a primary catalyst behind our growth.

It is important to create diverse business channels so that you don’t limit yourself and the growth potential of your company

Can you give us a brief overview of Iotasol and its uniqueness?
We are still in a growth phase with offices in India, and Australia and we are working on starting another office in Canada very soon. Through our services, we aspire to help our clients to achieve more efficiency in their operations and develop as a business organization.

We don’t see ourselves as a development or technology partner that offers run of the mill services. First of all, we understand the requirements of our clients, and work closely with them to offer them customized solutions.Also when we offer our services, we keep their future growth aspirations in mind as well. We leverage our combined industry experience to offer the right guidance for our clients so that they can scale greater heights in their respective industries. More importantly, we are honest and transparent with our clients and this has helped us to build strong and meaningful relationships with them.
What is your success mantra?
It is important to create diverse business channels so that you don’t limit yourself and the growth potential of your company. Nothing is permanent in the corporate realm, so, being prepared and creating contingency plans are crucial for the sustained success of your business. Other than that, we invest in creating and maintaining strong relationships with our clients even if it means we have to sacrifice on some aspects. Also, we go the extra mile to ensure that our clients are satisfied.

Elaborate more on your leadership style?
I am a very democratic leader and from the very beginning I have emphasized having a flat organizational structure where everyone is treated equally. As the leader of the company, I make sure that I am always accessible to the rest of my team and help them even with things outside of work. So, being a people-centric leader that is able to guide and mentor our team members is something that I prioritize. Even with our team growing, we still remain true to this vision of ours.

What are the major future plans for Iotasol?
Over the years, we have created a business model which allows us to engage with multiple partners in different countries and this has been crucial for our expansion into Australia & Canada. Going forward, leveraging this same model, we are aspiring to expand our presence into more countries and attract more entrepreneurs to join us. We want to grow together with our clients and apart from this, we are aiming to diversify our service portfolio and branch out into different emerging markets.

Yashpal Singla, CEO, Iotasol
A passionate business leader that has immense industry expertise and entrepreneurial wisdom. Combining this with his people-centric and result oriented approach, Yashpal has been able to reach unprecedented success in the corporate realm.

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