Bolstering Chains With IT

Bolstering Chains With IT

Transition from CEO to group CEO means changing from doing things yourself and controlling to the art of influencing and coordinating. This includes going from directly managing people to selecting the leaders of the business. For getting into the group CEO role, one should benchmark their abilities, visibly engage in group initiatives, demonstrate ideas & abilities confidently and should help weaker peers, thereby gaining group of supporters, learning from mistakes and making wider networking opportunities. A Group CEO is responsible for the day-to-day leadership and management of the business, in line with the strategic framework, risk appetite and annual & longterm objectives approved by the Board. It is the Group CEOs duty to adopt both three year plans and annual operating plans of the company. Once adopted, they are responsible for the implementation and delivery of these objectives and also for providing reports on progress at frequent and regular intervals.

All members of the CEC report directly to the Group CEO.
Duties of Group CEO includes appraising individual performance of CECs, encouraging developments and further training, taking care of recruiting replacements, and formulating remuneration proposals for approval by the Remuneration Committee. The Group CEO represents the company. He has the responsibility for the maintenance and development of reputation of the company and its relationship with the media, local communities and government authorities. They also have the responsibility of maintaining relationships with supplier, customer, trade bodies and other stakeholders.

In this issue, the CEO Insights magazine brings to you a list of 'Top 10 Group CEOs - 2021' who have helped in the transformation and growth of business sector of the country. The list has been crafted by a team of Industry veterans, CEOs, VCs and the CEO Insights editorial team, thus delivering inspiring stories of their journey and the contributions & roles played by them in the creation and empowerment of a powerful nation.