
The Krishna of your Chariot

The Krishna of your Chariot

Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor

If you feel that the role of a CTO is just about anything technology, you might have to rethink. With big data analytics making its way in every decision making process, it is important for the CTOs too to think out of their obvious and look at the data evaluations to service the company and the clients better. On the other hand, the growing terror of cyber attacks is something that CTOs need to worry about. Hence a future CTO with all technology-cyber security knowledge will be out of question. They need to find their own way. A painful truth!
With time and changing technology, a CTO’s position now is a huge advisory role compared to the mere ‘bricks and mortar’ style role of before. Together, the informative CTO along with the company board or management will strategize and drive his/her company’s growth. Responsibilities are huge and learning will never end! While the future is more critical looking at the pace with which new technologies are making inroads to the ecosystem, the role of CTOs will become too big and hence more specialization like CIO, CPO, CISO and many more, will evolve strongly.

But beating the challenges and helping their company emerge successfully through every technology transition is what the CTOs have been all about and will be all about. Experience and innovative thought is really the masterpiece one needs. But the right karma (action) cannot be ignored. Featuring some of such expert CTOs who have positively impacted their organization’s functions and profits, is our current edition of CEO Insights Magazine’s ‘Top 10 CTOs in India – 2019’. Read to know more about them, their success mantras, lessons & learning and more.
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