
Top Marble Trends To Follow In 2021

Top Marble Trends To Follow In 2021

Rajesh Bhandari, Director, A-Class Marbles, 0

For his outstanding contribution to the industry, he has won awards like Indian organisation for Commerce and Industry, New Delhi 2017 Great Achievers Awards and Design Wall Inductee 2015 ET Acetech and his interests are in the fields of architectures and stones.

Marble and stone, has been synonymous with architecture since time immemorial, and even though it has dawned on many hats, the manner of use has evolved with time. One such paradigm shift was the past year as it has been immensely challenging for the global community’s well-being and growth. However, it has also enhanced our thinking and redefined how we design our spaces. For instance, easy maintenance and clutter-free spaces have taken precedence over loud and busy aesthetics.

As we reimagine our homes as not just spaces for living but centres for multipurpose occupation and adaptation, our focus on the materials used to create these spaces has evolved simultaneously. Therefore, the post-pandemic client is more focused on maintaining spaces that can quickly transform and grow as per the user’s need. The shift towards easy to maintain materials such as granites, for countertops and tabletops can also be expected in 2021.

With the current healthcare restrictions, people are forced to entertain at home more often than before. As a result, marbles and stones that are easy to maintain and yet bring out a luxurious finish will also be a trend to follow. Statement pieces like wall installations of marbles and stones like Onyx not only bring in an elegant yet luxurious look but are also easy to maintain. Similarly, stones and marbles in metallic brass, gold or shimmery
finishes also become a great option to add to any design scheme and add luxurious details.

In the past year, most people were forced to spend most of their time indoors confined within their homes. As a result, a greater yearning for bringing the outside within their spaces can be expected. Adding stone cladded walls, rough outdoorsy finishes, and earthy coloured stones will also be a trend to watch out for. By incorporating these earthy colours and textures within the home, one can add a sense of warmth and brightness experienced outside within the indoors’ safety and confines.

As we reimagine our homes as not just spaces for living but centres for multipurpose occupation and adaptation, our focus on the materials used to create these spaces has evolved simultaneously

While some of these trends are driven by the previous year’s experiences, some trends also periodically repeat themselves like the announcement of the Pantone colours of the year. A wide range of marbles and stones can be acquired in the Ultimate Grey and Illumination colour pallete to hop onto the trend and design spaces. Since marble also compliments both the colours marble can also be used in complementary roles within these colour schemes.

Moving forward, people are also developing a keener sense and inclination for responsible living and rightly so. Since most marbles have a natural source, their consumption can be expected to increase. Additionally, to consume the marble and stone on-site in its entirety, wasted pieces of marble can also be used to create mosaic or creative patterns on the wall as well as flooring.

Even though most of these trends are temporary, marble’s role in the architectural discourse remains permanent. The aesthetic and luxury associated with marble is an evergreen trend to root for. As we move further into the year, these and many such marble trends are definitely to watch out for.