UK Government Provides Monetary Support for Altair, JLR, Danecca for EV Innovative Design Process

Global leader in AI and computational science, Altair, along with JLR and battery maker Danecca, have received monetary support from the UK government under the Faraday Battery Challenge to create an innovative design procedure for electric vehicles.
The three companies have joined together to fund a study aimed at creating an innovative design procedure for electric cars.
The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) sponsors UK Research and Innovation, a non-departmental public organization, with funds for this project to promote battery technology development in the UK.
Prototype vehicles will be developed using the new technique, which makes use of Altair technology. The newly introduced vehicle models will have lighter bodies that provide greater battery space without increasing overall weight.
JLR will also use Altair's C123 method, a special three-step conceptualization procedure designed for body-in-white constructions. Using the solution's recently created electrothermal features, they will also carry out optimization using Altair® OptiStruct™, a top FEA solver in the Altair HyperWorks design and simulation platform.
“We are excited to collaborate with JLR and Danecca on this innovative project to support the next generation of electric vehicles, with innovative, efficient designs,” said Royston Jones, senior vice president of automotive, Altair.
“We are thrilled to be part of such an innovative project and to have received funding from the U.K. government through the Faraday Battery Challenge,” said Paul Haney, battery technology senior manager, JLR.
"By partnering with Altair and JLR on this innovative project, Danecca has the chance to advance the development of electric vehicles and battery technology," said Danson Michael Joseph, managing director, Danecca.
The project, which will run from February 1, 2023, to January 31, 2025, will keep looking for ways to use simulation to enhance once the parts for the prototype cars have been ordered. After the funded project time, JLR, Danecca, and Altair will retain ownership of any research results, which they may utilize for other customers or initiatives.