Dr. Ganesan Visvabharathy: The Catalyst Behind The Success Of Hawthorne Development Corporation | CEOInsights Vendor
Dr. Ganesan Visvabharathy: The Catalyst Behind The Success Of Hawthorne Development Corporation

Dr. Ganesan Visvabharathy: The Catalyst Behind The Success Of Hawthorne Development Corporation

  Dr. Ganesan Visvabharathy,    CEO & President

Dr. Ganesan Visvabharathy

CEO & President

In recent years, the world has seen a growing concern for sustainability and the environment. One of the most significant ways in which this concern manifests itself is in the construction industry, as it contributes to nearly 40 percent of the total carbon emissions. Mitigation of this emission is a primary concern of the building industry, and one of the major tools for such mitigation is the construction of Net Zero Green Buildings, that also meet Passive House standards. These buildings, which are designed to be highly energy-efficient and sustainable, have become increasingly popular due to their many benefits, including reduced energy costs, improved indoor air quality, and extreme thermal comfort. And when it comes to pioneering in this arena, Hawthorne Development Corporation, under the visionary leadership of Dr. Ganesan Visvabharathy, fondly known as Dr.Vish, stands out as one of the foremost innovators.

Under Dr. Vishs guidance, Hawthorne Development Corporation has developed numerous award-winning projects that have set new standards in green building construction. His innovative approach to design and construction has not only contributed to the environment's sustainability but has also had a positive impact on communities by creating healthier living spaces.

How has your professional journey been so far?
My professional journey began with a clear desire to become an entrepreneur. After graduating from IIM, Ahmedabad in 1971, I was inspired by the business education and history of successful Indian startups during the toughest of times. Despite my conservative South Indian family's disapproval, I remained persistent in my pursuit. After working for a year with Philips Norelco in India, I pursued a Ph.D. program at the University of Illinois-
Champaign, where I stumbled upon a Larry King radio show that sparked my interest in real estate. Educating myself for two years, I took a risk and invested $10,000 each from five friends to renovate a dilapidated building in Chicago's Logan Square area. The success of this project led to more opportunities and a sizeable real estate portfolio. While my journey continues, the drive to succeed in entrepreneurship remains steadfast.

The location of your property plays a pivotal role in determining its success, which is why we are meticulous in selecting the neighborhoods we invest in

Tell us about the important lessons you carry from the institute till this date in your journey.
During my time at IIM, Ahmedabad, I learned some important lessons that have stayed with me throughout my journey. The first lesson is the tenacity of purpose. Success in any business does not come overnight, and setbacks are a part of the process. However, those who are persistent and try harder are the ones who ultimately succeed. The second lesson is strict personal discipline combined with goal orientation. Without a clear goal, it's difficult to achieve success. Lastly, I learned the importance of personal discipline’s contribution to entrepreneurial success, which became evident in both Indian and Harvard Business School case studies. These lessons have helped me navigate the myriad of challenges and achieve success in my professional journey.

Define Hawthorne Development as an organization and its position in the market.
We are award-winning builders. As the CEO of Hawthorne Development Corporation, I am proud to say that we are true trailblazers in the real estate industry. Our commitment to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency sets us apart from the competition. We are currently building the largest Passive, Net Zero, Green complex in North America, which is a testament to our innovative construction methods and our respect for the environment. Our buildings are designed to provide the highest indoor air quality and thermal comfort, while also reducing energy costs for our
clients. We only build one type of building Passive Net Zero Green and we select neighborhoods where we believe we can make a positive impact. Our goal is to be trendsetters in the industry, inspiring others to follow our lead in creating sustainable, energy-efficient buildings.

What are the factors you look into when developing effective corporate growth strategies?
As a seasoned real estate investor, I firmly believe that the three golden rules of investment are neighborhood, and neighborhood. The location of your property plays a pivotal role in determining its success, which is why we are meticulous in selecting the neighborhoods we invest in. In addition, we always keep an eye out for hidden values in any development land or building that we purchase. It is these hidden values that enable us to strike a great deal and add value to our investments. Hidden value, for instance, can be in a foreclosed property, a dilapidated property, or from a seller who wants to retire and move to Florida. By adhering to these principles, we have been able to achieve sustained growth and success over the years.

What are your predictions for future market changes and advice for budding leaders in this domain?
In today's real estate industry, the opportunities are endless. Compared to 35 years ago, when the only option was to buy, renovate, and sell a building, the industry has grown exponentially. With the creation of apps and other technological advancements, you can develop financial models and measurement tools without even touching a building. However, if you are interested in investing in physical buildings, it still requires significant capital. Building a trustworthy circle of friends who are willing to invest in your vision is crucial. But with dedication, creativity, and innovation, the real estate industry can be a lucrative and rewarding career path.

Dr. Ganesan Visvabharathy (Dr. Vish), CEO & President, Hawthorne Development Corporation
Dr. Ganesan Visvabharathy, or "Dr. Vish" as he is fondly called, is a highly accomplished Electrical Engineer, with an MBA from IIM Ahmadabad - India, and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Champaign. Moreover, as the CEO & President of Hawthorne Development Corporation, Dr. Vish has been a driving force in providing affordable housing to the masses.

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