Dr. Shyama Nagarajan: Charting New Horizons For Healthcare Institutions | CEOInsights Vendor
Dr. Shyama Nagarajan: Charting New Horizons For Healthcare Institutions

Dr. Shyama Nagarajan: Charting New Horizons For Healthcare Institutions

Dr. Shyama Nagarajan,   Managing Director

Dr. Shyama Nagarajan

Managing Director

Just as a captain guides a ship through rough waters, Dr. Shyama Nagarajan's competence, leadership acumen, clinical knowledge, and market insights have steered several healthcare institutions toward success. Her journey began with graduation from VSS Medical College, Burla, Odisha, and post-graduation at the esteemed All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), serving as researcher in pediatric gastroenterology. Swadharma (refers to recognition of one’s duty) led her to pursue a Master's in Hospital Administration, a decision inspired by a senior, Col. Dr. Sajal Sen from the Indian army who recognized her potential. Breaking conventions, Shyama was one of the first few fresh graduates from clinical branches to pursue hospital management way back in 1998, a stream usually pursued during those times by seasoned administrators from the Indian Army, Railways, or State services.

Joining her first appointment in private sector in ICRA a leading credit rating agency, Shyama was instrumental in carving out the healthcare Grading in India, way ahead of its time in 2002 even before licensing or accreditation was conceived. This honed her understanding of healthcare from diverse perspectives, impacting her decision to pursue a Master's in public health as well. Later, as a Health Specialist at the World Bank, she gained valuable insights into implementing large scale public health programs. Taking on roles as Chief of Quality at the Fortis Group, then as Director Health, IPE Global, and later as Executive Director for India Health practice at Ernst and Young, she engaged with stakeholders, fostering comprehensive growth and development of the sector. Despite challenges, including extensive travel, she managed to strike a balance between her professional commitments and family responsibilities.

Share with us about your beyond academic experience at AIIMS.
My tenure at AIIMS continues to resonate in my professional journey, offering lasting insights. As a resident in hospital administration, I internalized flexibility and crisis management, making them inherent skills. Precision and depth were cultivated by my mentor, Professor Dr. Vinod Paul, Pediatrics. My village posting underscored the significance of community engagement in service delivery, demonstrating the inter connectedness of public health and hospital care.

The AIIMS environment fostered stead fastness to purposeful living and instilled a fervor for research. Constant research revealed the vastness of science and a reminder of human limitations on elements beyond our control. This realization deepened my spiritual awareness, enabling me to harmonize practical aspects of care provision and to seek alternatives instead of playing god with lives. The unwavering trust of patients humbled me further and emphasized the value of commitment that I have signed up. In fact, adversities strengthened my determination and helped me stay contented.

Our Hospital Administration Head, Prof. R. K. Sarma, exemplified
unwavering dedication to ethical principles. His approach blended flexibility and diligence. He provided necessary facilities post-maternity leave, ensuring I had a separate room for my breastfeeding baby to complete my share of 24-hour shifts like my peers, culminating in rigorous 36-hour duties. This flexible arrangement lasted two years, with my mother-in-law and baby joining night duties. His commitment to fairness and ethics created an environment where principles thrived.

Fond memories of the vada-samosa from the AIIMS canteen punctuate my journey, providing the much-required sustenance during long duty hours. Alongside AIIMS, the strong foundation laid during my VSS Medical College days in Odisha and schooling at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sambalpur, along with nurturing yet disciplined parenting grounded in traditional Indian values, were instrumental in shaping my character. The teachings of professors in Odisha, buttressed the value of art of medical practice supported by diagnostic aids, extended to the realm of management as well.

SAHAMANTHRAN is not a professional pursuit but an integral part of my life, my family

Define SAHAMANTHRAN as an organization.
SAHAMANTHRAN, a niche healthcare consulting firm, has had a successful 7-year track record with 54+ clients. Our growth strategy focuses on collaborative solutions, reflected in our name SAHAMANTHRAN’, embodies this principle, with ‘Saha’ meaning ‘together’ and ‘Manthran’ derived from the amalgamation of ‘Manthan’ and ‘Mantran’, signifying discussion and deliberation to deliver sustainable solutions.

Our tight-knit team of 9 core members, along with 16 part-time experts and 10 advisors, ensures top tier technical and organizational prowess.30percent returning clients is a testament to their trust.

Our expertise lies in four distinct verticals. Enterprise Advisory offers mentorship to innovators through ideation to commercialization, especially in medical devices. Project Advisory offers detailed market insights for planning & designing hospitals with architectural inputs. Operations Advisory aids in operationalizing small to medium healthcare enterprises, and enhancing service quality and efficiency. Program Advisory collaborates with governments and donor partners to monitor and implement impactful public health initiatives.

What are the factors you take into account when developing effective corporate growth strategies?
Successful strategy formulation, in my experience, is multifaceted. Our diverse team of healthcare professionals from doctors to engineers to lawyers, among others provides a well-rounded perspective, aligned with our mission.

Our growth strategy, encapsulated in our name ‘SAHAMANTHRAN’, highlights the amalgamation of discussion and deliberation for delivering the agreed solution. The logo, with 'speaking' icons forming an 's,' represents questions in red, and solutions in green lays the foundation of our approach. Two figures in blue shake hands, symbolizing collaborative efforts to unravel solutions. An encompassing ellipse represents the vast universe of possibilities, suggesting that all solutions are present within this realm, waiting to be discovered and explored through thoughtful conversation.
Central to our approach is co-creating distinct solutions alongside our clients, as their progress intertwined with ours. Furthermore, building a strong network of partners with specialized skills, such as IT services, financial institutions, architects, and developers helps us serve our clients better by garnering global knowledge, to generate local evidence, and regionalizing comprehensive solutions.

Tell us about your leadership approach.
I try to ensure that my thoughts, speech, and actions are aligned and continue to do what I am supposed to do as the founder and conceiver of ‘SAHAMANTHRAN’ idea to inspire people. It is my team who make and perceive me as their leader, and visualize me to be able to support their individual goals while aligning themselves with the organization.

At SAHAMANTHRAN, our approach to growth is grounded in a shared passion for the healthcare sector. Collaboration lies at the heart of our methodology. We engage in co-creating solutions with our clients, immersing ourselves in their realities, and working collectively to realize their objectives. Our ethos revolves around empathy, trust, and responsiveness nurturing relationships with our clients that resemble the bonds of family.

Age is not a defining factor in our selection process. Instead, we place emphasis on individual maturity, and readiness to embrace ambiguity qualities that are intrinsic to the realm of consulting and advisory services. Our growth trajectory is intertwined with that of our team members. Together, we commit ourselves to delivering advisory services that hold a significant impact, benefiting both our partners and the broader healthcare sector. In doing so, I believe we are benefiting not only as a collective but also as unique individuals i.e. adhering to the basic principles of ‘Swadharma to Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’. This dedication and clarity stems from a profound sense of gratitude towards the universe, which has granted me this physical existence, motivating me to reciprocate. in kind. This belief was further solidified as I was granted a second chance at life after grappling with COVID.

What is the future roadmap?
India boasts a reservoir of diligent and talented individuals, poised to effect meaningful change. I see myself dedicating my efforts to attracting and inspiring skilled, entrepreneurial talents to join our team, recognizing people as our most invaluable assets.

Secondly, I intend to leverage the diverse experience and expertise in India (characterized by discernible patterns within its seeming chaos), to churn lessons worth emulating and contribute meaningfully to improve the health sector.

What is your advice to young leaders?
Life is beautiful, to be cherished and protected with both hands! In this grand tapestry, believe in the harmony, and the delicate balance of the universe, and invest in building relationships. Shift focus from what you are doing, to what you are capable of the inner strength, for ‘Karmanye Vadhikaraste Maa Phaleshu Kadachana’. Cultivate your thoughts, as Thinking is the seed of Manifestation. Watch movies like ‘Lucy’ and read books like ‘Probability Theory’, ‘The Auto biography of a Yogi’ and ‘The Biology of Belief’, which have taught me some valuable lessons.

Dr.Shyama Nagarajan, MD, Sahamanthran
Shyama also serves as the Executive Director of the Academy of Hospital Administration, passionately contributing to the growth and recognition of hospital administration as a discipline

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