Shray Verma: Visionary Strategist & Innovator Redefining Industry Standards In Real Estate | CEOInsights Vendor
Shray Verma: Visionary Strategist & Innovator Redefining Industry Standards In Real Estate

Shray Verma: Visionary Strategist & Innovator Redefining Industry Standards In Real Estate

Shray Verma ,  Director

Shray Verma


In the Indian real estate industry, leaders face a complex landscape demanding a rare blend of resilience, innovation, and empathy. With regulatory shifts, market instability, and socio-economic factors at play, navi-gating challenges requires unwavering determination, creative problem-solving, and a deep understanding of stakeholders' needs. Leaders like Shray Verma, who encapsulate this combination of attributes, possess the ability to adjust to evolving circumstances, innovate groundbreaking resolutions, and cultivate significant relationships. This capability enables them to propel enduring development and instill confidence within the ever-changing real estate industry.

"My leadership philosophy is rooted in transformation & empowerment. I believe in fostering a culture of continuous growth & evolution among my team members"

Shray Verma, a visionary leader and the Director of Shray Projects, stands at the helm of a dynamic enterprise, driving innovation and excellence in every endeavour. Under Shray Verma's astute leadership, Shray Projects has not merely sustained but thrived, navigating the complexities of the real estate industry with resilience and strategic prowess. His commitment to forward-thinking initiatives and top-notch quality is apparent in the company's varied ventures, covering education, health and wealth management, all of which have received praise and acknowledgment. With a career spanning over two decades, Shray has established himself as a formidable force in the realm of real estate broking and business develop-ment.

Below is an excerpt of Shray Verma’s exclusive interaction with CEO Insights magazine.

Could you give a brief account of your professional background and experiences?

Following my education at Imperial College, my professional journey has been a tapestry of diverse experiences and ventures. Starting with an internship at Apple in London, I explored the fields of technology and advancement. Transitioning to finance, I honed my acumen over several years before venturing into education and strategy counseling, catering to UK-based institutions. In 2013, familial obliga-tions beckoned me back to India to head Shray Projects as CEO, navigating a series of challenges and propelling the company to remarkable success, with total assets moved exceeding 1000 crores last year.

Parallel to this, I ventured into entre-preneurship, founding an award-winning education company and investing in wealth management business with Tenfinity Wealth. Another venture involves the DietnCure Health App, emphasizing my dedication to advancing sustainability. My journey epitomizes resilience, adaptability, and entrepreneurial spirit, shaping me into the leader I am today.

Tell us about the unique experiences Imperial College London offers. What did you learn from the campus beyond academics?

Studying at Imperial College London offered an enriching blend of academic rigor and practical application that set it apart from
other institutions. Beyond its prestigious reputation, Imperial London provided a productive ground for personal and professional growth. Its case study-based approach enabled a deep under standing of real-world business challenges, fostering problem-solving skills crucial for success in today's competitive landscape. Moreover, Imperial's strategic partnerships with industry leaders facilitated invaluable hands-on experiences through initiatives during my time at Imperial, like the Nokia Strategy Competition and the Business Plan Module sponsored by the Santander Bank.

These opportunities not only refined practical skills but also cultivated a mindset of creativity and business insights. By bridging theory with practice, Imperial London empowered students to not only excel academically but also thrive in diverse professional environ-ments. My time at Imperial was transformative, equipping me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate the complexities of the modern business world and make meaningful contributions to society.

My focus on nurturing talent & cultivating a collaborative atmos-phere extends beyond personal achieve-ments to the broader impact we can collectively attain

How would you define Shray Projects as an organization and its current position in the market?

Shray Projects exemplifies a tradition of excellence and progress in the real estate sector, led by my father, Sandeep Verma, since its establishment in 1989. From its humble beginnings, our company has emerged as a cornerstone of the North Indian real estate landscape, steering through market cycles with resilience and strategic penetration. Our focus on providing value-driven solutions has garnered the trust of clients from various generations, high-lighting our consistent keenness to their success and contentment. With asset movements totaling 1000 crores last year alone, we stand at the forefront of the industry, poised for even greater milestones ahead.

As we chart our course for the future, our vision extends beyond mere transactions to pioneering transformative projects across India. Through strategic expansion and a persistent focus on improvement, we aim to establish ourselves as one of the most esteemed real estate broking houses in the region. Our comprehensive strategy, which includes primary underwriting, secondary sales, leasing, agriculture, FSI, and Hospital dealings, demonstrates our devotion to excellence and expertise in Real Estate to our clients. With a dynamic team driven by passion and expertise, we are poised to shape the future of real estate in India, empowering individuals and communities alike.

Tell us about your leadership approach. What are the guidelines or methodologies you follow to lead your team?

My leadership philosophy is rooted in trans formation and empowerment. I believe in fostering a culture of continuous growth and evolution among my team members. By providing opportunities for personal and professional development, I aim to unlock their full potential and cultivate a sense of ownership and accountability. Central to my approach is the belief that everyone, from employees to clients, can contribute to positive change and success. I operate on a win-win basis, ensuring that the interests of all stakeholders are aligned for mutual benefit. Understanding the
individual challenges and aspirations of each team member, I provide tailored support through training, mentorship, and experiential learning. By recognizing and leveraging their strengths, I enable them to thrive and excel in their roles, driving collective achievement and organizational growth. My focus on nurturing talent and cultivating a collaborative atmosphere extends beyond personal achievements to the broader impact we can collectively attain. As we continue to evolve and grow, I remain dedicated to empowering my team to reach new heights and make a lasting difference in their lives and the success of our business.

How do you keep yourself up-to-date with ongoing industry trends to steer your organization towards the future?

Staying abreast of industry trends is paramount to routing our organization towards the future. Beyond conventional methods of research and networking with industry leaders, I prioritize direct engagement with our team on the front lines. By fostering an open and collaborative atmosphere, I glean invaluable intuitions from those directly interfacing with market dynamics. This grassroots approach allows me to grasp the pulse of the industry, understanding evolving transactional patterns, demand trends, and economic shifts in real time. I immerse myself in the intricacies of market transactions, analyzing their impact and implications for our strategic direction.

This hands-on approach not only keeps me informed but also enables me to craft well-versed strategies that are agile and responsive to changing market dynamics. By combining industry expertise with first-hand observations, I ensure that our organization remains at the forefront of revolution and adaptation, poised to capitalize on emerging opportunities and navigate potential chal-lenges with confidence and foresight.

What is the future destination you are heading towards?

Our course is directed towards becoming the leading real estate brokerage in India, reflecting excellence and pioneering approaches in every facet of our operations. Time is of the essence, and our focus is on strategic expansion through the establishment of satellite offices in key metro cities. This expansion will not only enhance our reach but also enable us to deliver personalized services that resonate with our clients on a deeper level. We aim to revolutionize the industry by harnessing the untapped potential of our team members, empowering them to drive positive change and exceed expectations.

Our vision extends beyond mere trans-actions; we aspire to elevate the standard of service in the real estate market, setting new benchmarks for excellence, transparency and customer satisfaction. By nurturing a culture of ongoing enhancement and progressive thinking, we will not only outpace the competition but also reshape the landscape of the industry. With a firm resolve towards our objectives and an enthusiastic team propelling our vision ahead, Shray Projects is poised for limitless opportunities to leave a lasting imprint in the real estate industry and beyond.

Shray Verma, Director, Shray Projects

Shray Verma, Director of Shray Projects, is a seasoned leader in real estate and business development. With a passion for innovation and sustain-ability, Shray drives transformative initiatives, pioneering solutions that redefine industry standards. His strategic vision and commitment to excellence propel Shray Projects towards sustainable growth and success.

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