
Preparing You for Tomorrow

Preparing You for Tomorrow

Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor, 0

The world is a global village and to become global citizens, one needs to prepare since the very childhood. It is important that steps be taken to create an education system that is global in nature and prepares students to get through the idea of what the world knows! From exposure to new culture, growth in personality, more extra-curricular activities, and more career opportunities, the number of international schools is on rise. Around a year ago, ISCResearch reported that there were 10,282
international schools globally. With the increasing influence of International Schools, this number is just going to grow further.

On the other hand, such global environment helps make students ready to face the world in a more skilful manner. Being well prepared further helps them in getting into universities of their choice and their studies and stay become sort of easy. Hence finding and enrolling in an International school that provides you those arsenals to prepare for tomorrow, is the crux. Helping you do so is our current edition of CEO Insights Magazine’s ‘Top 10 International Schools – 2020’. We along with academia and industry experts have shortlisted the names post due diligence and bring to you their story in detail.

From their curriculum, faculty, administration, extracurricular activities, food, to culture and more, the edition talks about their story in detail. We are sure that these details will help you choose the school of your choice. Read to know more about them.
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