
Beat This Stress: Making The Most Of Your 'Work From Home' During Covid-19 Season

Beat This Stress: Making The Most Of Your 'Work From Home' During Covid-19 Season

Reva Malhotra, Independent PR Consultant, 0

Having pursued her post-graduation in Advertising & Public Relations from Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi, Reva is a seasoned PR professional with profound expertise in executing effective communications strategies for various brands across US, Middle East and Singapore.

She started her career as a PR professional with Edelman. She has served in various marketing agencies roles where she served in the Communications team understanding client requirements and collaborating with the Content Marketing and PR teams, executing an effective communications strategy for various brands. Having worked with global organizations from the US, the Middle East, and Singapore, she is currently serving as a PR Consultant to tech startups.

The novel Coronavirus has taken everybody, even the world’s leading virologists, by storm. Now that all of us have, in some way or the other, been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, it is time to get our act together in order to face the situation.

As the world grapples with the COVID-19 outbreak, most of the white-collared employees have been asked to work from home, which means most of us will get to spend a lot of time at home. For some, it is a blessing in disguise, while for the rest it is no less than a major challenge. Those suffering from issues such as anxiety and stress might face difficulties while coping-up with the Coronavirus fiasco. Here are a few tips to beat the stress and fatigue of working from home during the COVID-19 outbreak –

Acceptance Holds the Key Well, there’s no point crying over the fact that our everyday life has been derailed. First thing’s first, you need to accept the situation and work to the best of your ability. It is important for you to treat WFH as a normal workday. Ensure the following:
• Block the room in order to avoid distractions
• Get your laptop, smartphone, notepad, and chargers in place
• Stay away from distractions (WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram)
Communicate, Communicate & Communicate Keeping track of the developments taking place at work is equally important, and you need to communicate frequently in order to ensure the same. Ask for your daily workflow first thing in the morning and stick to it at all costs. Also, leave some room for making corrections and additions to the documents you have prepared. Make sure you’re sending the daily work reports on time and get in touch with your seniors in case you get stuck, as sitting on a task for too long will hamper your overall workflow. So, communicate in order to keep misunderstandings at bay.

Plan Your Deliverables Beforehand Make a list of the tasks that need to be done as part of your workday and stick to it. Make sure you divide your time equally in order to accomplish all of the tasks within a predefined time limit. Take this for an example; if you have five write-ups to write in a day, then ensure that you are devoting an equal amount of time to each one of those write-ups.

Keeping track of the developments taking place at work is equally important, and you need to communicate frequently in order to ensure the same

Take Some Time Off & Rejuvenate Rest forms an important part of your workday as you cannot work in the absence of it. Make it a point to provide yourself with adequate rest after every few hours. Watch an episode of one of the latest web series on Netflix in order to take your mind off work for a while. Also, you can keep track of the news headlines while you are not working, as this will help you stay updated. All of these things will help you in your bid to stay motivated.

Make the Most of Technology Apps and gadgets can help you make the most of your WFH. The likes of Google Duo and WhatsApp can be used to communicate effectively from the comfort of your home. Also, go on Hangouts in order to share real-time updates with your bosses and colleagues. Make sure you keep track of the messages you receive.

Draw the Curtains At the end of the day, all you can do is smile, because overthinking about the fiasco will only add-up to the complexities of an already-complex situation. Just keep your head down and let it pass.

It goes without saying that the times are tough, and all of us will have to pull our socks in order to get through troubled waters. Working from home can be an enriching and exciting experience if you stay organized. So, get your act together and make the most of your WFH this summer.