Companies in the AR-based Education Industry Facing Deficit of Employees Qualified in STEM

By Tushar A Amin, Co-Founder, Smartivity
Over the years, it has been observed that the workforce in India requires employees that would be more qualified on the STEM front. The growth of technology is accelerating with every passing second. Although there is no specific number of college graduates in the field of STEM, choosing a career in a STEM field isn't a guaranteed path to success. The technological setting is constantly developing and in many ways, speeding upward. We are at a point where it is imperative to come up with innovative ideas, keep track of what is trending and where the creative opportunities can be explored.
In the Technology Acceptance cycle, the ‘Innovators’ occupy the smallest and most successful portion(s), yet they are shadowed by ‘Early Adopters’ and ‘Early Majority’. Education does not measure technical assistances. A designer with a degree, does not necessarily have the required skills to work as a part of the web development team. The argument is never ending, with respect to shortage of employees with the basic skills in reading, writing and analytical skills to meet the requirements of today’s jobs. But, it is to be noted that those aren’t the skills in diminutive supply.
Automation and artificial intelligence have been incorporated in several everyday jobs and with a wide web of jobs, we believe that a wide collection of educational skills-building programs will be created to meet new demands. People will themselves create the jobs for the future, which will undoubtedly play a greater role in the years to come.
The STEM workforce would consist of many kinds of employees who would work and specialize in significant STEM knowledge and skills as a part of their jobs. Technology is cropping up around us in a massive way and sundry forms, which would make AR invisible and could render it as pervasive as the smartphone.
STEM educates and equips children with basics skills that can be used throughout their lives to sail through tough times and take advantage of opportunities which can help them choose their career(s) accordingly. STEM skills will help them analyse critical problems and come up with strong solutions. The homogeneous rote learning system that was considered as a performance-metric need not be followed in 2019. Today’s augmented reality is poised to bring historic changes in everyday life, including preparing the workplace with the potential to significantly improve employees’ productivity along with increasing the employee training and make workplace better.
But, STEM & augmented reality isn’t just for fun and games. In previous years, there has been a shift towards mounting AR devices and applications for the workplace. Digital experiences like these are taking place around us at a high pace, hence taking us closer to our imaginary future. Many developments are happening right now, thanks to emerging technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and voice interactions which are restructuring the way we participate and communicate.
Every job and individual holds a vast importance; a situation, where people lack appreciation or understanding the impact of their job results, results in the overall failure or success of the business. Often, people appreciate that they have a first-hand experience in the knowledge they hold. They are not willing to delegate because exposing them to hold another service(s) might just highlight it to the institution to rectify it. The best business plans have failed due to the lack of consistency.
The key to success for children is the lesson learnt well, critical thinking and solve problems. The best way to do that is to provide them with a good foundation in STEM.
Training students in STEM subjects doesn’t mean that other social or arts subjects don’t hold importance and that only STEM subjects teach life-skills that other castigations don’t. The future is no longer looking towards the continuity with the past and walking towards the versions of shinier technology and trends. Sometimes, there needs to be a troublesome plan that lights the ball and presents the future| present in a new way. The Future ignites our minds with a simple thought that evolution of learning and training would come with our STEM skills and managing minds.
Certainly, the future won’t resemble the past or present. We are in no luxury of time, space, designing, define, developing and delivering management and measuring based on the choices we made and continue making throughout our lives. It has come to the survival arenas where one needs to work at a high speed and contain themselves in the changing maze of policies, products, procedures and services. It would be prosaicism, but children will have to learn how to walk in this new environment, whilst the Management will need to support self-learning. Ironically, the vigorous claims in science and engineering ignore or reject the repeated past cycles of expanding higher education in science and engineering beyond levels, for which there were no attracting career opportunities for children but on the bright side: Even if there isn't a minimal range of tech workers in the industry, steering more children towards skill learning could help solve STEM and tech multiplicity problem.
STEM educates and equips children with basics skills that can be used throughout their lives to sail through tough times and take advantage of opportunities
Every job and individual holds a vast importance; a situation, where people lack appreciation or understanding the impact of their job results, results in the overall failure or success of the business. Often, people appreciate that they have a first-hand experience in the knowledge they hold. They are not willing to delegate because exposing them to hold another service(s) might just highlight it to the institution to rectify it. The best business plans have failed due to the lack of consistency.
The key to success for children is the lesson learnt well, critical thinking and solve problems. The best way to do that is to provide them with a good foundation in STEM.
Training students in STEM subjects doesn’t mean that other social or arts subjects don’t hold importance and that only STEM subjects teach life-skills that other castigations don’t. The future is no longer looking towards the continuity with the past and walking towards the versions of shinier technology and trends. Sometimes, there needs to be a troublesome plan that lights the ball and presents the future| present in a new way. The Future ignites our minds with a simple thought that evolution of learning and training would come with our STEM skills and managing minds.
Certainly, the future won’t resemble the past or present. We are in no luxury of time, space, designing, define, developing and delivering management and measuring based on the choices we made and continue making throughout our lives. It has come to the survival arenas where one needs to work at a high speed and contain themselves in the changing maze of policies, products, procedures and services. It would be prosaicism, but children will have to learn how to walk in this new environment, whilst the Management will need to support self-learning. Ironically, the vigorous claims in science and engineering ignore or reject the repeated past cycles of expanding higher education in science and engineering beyond levels, for which there were no attracting career opportunities for children but on the bright side: Even if there isn't a minimal range of tech workers in the industry, steering more children towards skill learning could help solve STEM and tech multiplicity problem.