Arpita Verma
Founder & Chief Learning Officer
Arpita Verma, Founder & Chief Learning Officer Inner Quake, believes that every human being is born with the firm belief ‘I CAN’and it is just the lack of confidence and the limitations that turns the ‘I CAN’ into ‘I CANNOT’ and holds an individual back from achieving their dreams. Through Inner Quake, Arpita aims to toss away the NOT out of the ‘I CANNOT’, thus helping her clients identify and overcome their challenges efficiently. Arpita, in an exclusive conversation with CEO Insights, reminisces about her journey and delineates about Inner Quake’s offerings.
What was the cause that urged you to establish Inner Quake?
I have always been a go getter and a confident girl who excelled in everything in her life, be it academics, sports or career. However a moment came in my life that changed a lot in me. It was when I confronted Multiple Sclerosis an auto immune condition, leading to a huge loss in my confidence. But I was determined with my dreams, and it was my parents as well as closed ones’support that helped me to realize my potential and come back stronger. Learning the way of overcoming the challenge, I then decided to inspire people and support them with my own experience. This led me to start my own venture Inner Quake. Since then I am transforming the lives of people by offering motivational,
coaching and training services.
Tell us about your academy along with the services that you offer.
Inner Quake is one of the first life transformation academies in India that was set 15 years ago in 2004. I started it basically with the aim of transforming individuals corporates and institutions to reconnect with their purpose, recharge their potential and re commit to their passion. The clients I deal with are Executives like CEOs, students, as well as everyday people who are looking for life coaching.
Our team of internationally reputed Motivational Speakers Life Skill/Executive Coaches, Soft Skills Trainers, Learning and Development (L&D) Specialists Psychometric Experts and Psychologists work passionately to make creative as well as impactful experiences that promote lasting change in our clients. Based on Experiential Learning, we bring about lasting transformations through a three-way symbiotic process. First is by motivating our clients to catalyze their extraordinary potential. Second is by coaching them to curate their unique strengths and the last but not the least is by training people to create their 'best' future.
Tell us about Unknot the NOT? Also, throw some light on your professional background and achievements.
‘Unknot the NOT’ is the philosophy behind Inner Quake, and it is the first as well as the biggest world recognized copy righted program created by me. The philosophy of this program comes from my own experience and the numbers of people that I have coached in all these years. When we are facing a situation where our belief system gets disrupted so strongly that we are facing very negative emotions for a long time, we tend to think that there is something wrong with us. Inner Quake’s idea is to help such people recognize their inner potential and develop a positive
Tell us about your academy along with the services that you offer.
Inner Quake is one of the first life transformation academies in India that was set 15 years ago in 2004. I started it basically with the aim of transforming individuals corporates and institutions to reconnect with their purpose, recharge their potential and re commit to their passion. The clients I deal with are Executives like CEOs, students, as well as everyday people who are looking for life coaching.
Our team of internationally reputed Motivational Speakers Life Skill/Executive Coaches, Soft Skills Trainers, Learning and Development (L&D) Specialists Psychometric Experts and Psychologists work passionately to make creative as well as impactful experiences that promote lasting change in our clients. Based on Experiential Learning, we bring about lasting transformations through a three-way symbiotic process. First is by motivating our clients to catalyze their extraordinary potential. Second is by coaching them to curate their unique strengths and the last but not the least is by training people to create their 'best' future.
Inner Quake’s idea is to help people recognize their inner potential and develop a positive belief system so that they can believe in themselves again
Tell us about Unknot the NOT? Also, throw some light on your professional background and achievements.
‘Unknot the NOT’ is the philosophy behind Inner Quake, and it is the first as well as the biggest world recognized copy righted program created by me. The philosophy of this program comes from my own experience and the numbers of people that I have coached in all these years. When we are facing a situation where our belief system gets disrupted so strongly that we are facing very negative emotions for a long time, we tend to think that there is something wrong with us. Inner Quake’s idea is to help such people recognize their inner potential and develop a positive
belief system so that they can believe in themselves again. Over the year with Inner Quake and my team of 50 people, we helped lakhs of people to transform their lives.
Talking about my professional background, I am a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation and a Neuro Brain based Specialist. I am the youngest Life Coach to have been interviewed by Doordarshan. I recently joined with Franklin Covey and I am their Chief Principal Consultant as well as their executive coach. I am also a trained trainer by Franklin Covey.
Also, I am the Chief Architect & Creator of ‘Unknot the NOT’ program, and it is a very unique coaching system that has been developed. Because of its popularity, I was recognized as the high impact TEDx motivational speaker. I was honored as the 2018 Women of Impact and nominated by the Promising Indians’ Society for their award. I was also awarded as the International champion for public motivational speaking by Toast masters.
Life Coaching is considered as one of the dignified professions in the world. What is your view on that and as a Life Coach, where do you want to see yourself in the coming future?
When you coach people to discover their potential, you become the catalyst of change, and you empower them in all aspects of their lives. Very few professions on earth could be as noble and rewarding as that. Now, people look at me as the Oprah Winfrey of India, and as I move ahead, I really want to live that kind of legacy.
Everyone is trained for success, but none of us are prepared for the failure. Here is where 'Unknot the NOT' can help people to be ready to face the challenges of their life. Hence, I want the program to become the handiest as well as the preferable tool by everyone around the world.
Key Management
Arpita Verma, Founder & Chief Learning Officer, Inner Quake
Arpita is a professional certified coach from International Coach Federation and a neuro brain based specialist. Coaching & transforming the lives of people are a part of her lifelong obsession with happiness.
Talking about my professional background, I am a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation and a Neuro Brain based Specialist. I am the youngest Life Coach to have been interviewed by Doordarshan. I recently joined with Franklin Covey and I am their Chief Principal Consultant as well as their executive coach. I am also a trained trainer by Franklin Covey.
Also, I am the Chief Architect & Creator of ‘Unknot the NOT’ program, and it is a very unique coaching system that has been developed. Because of its popularity, I was recognized as the high impact TEDx motivational speaker. I was honored as the 2018 Women of Impact and nominated by the Promising Indians’ Society for their award. I was also awarded as the International champion for public motivational speaking by Toast masters.
Life Coaching is considered as one of the dignified professions in the world. What is your view on that and as a Life Coach, where do you want to see yourself in the coming future?
When you coach people to discover their potential, you become the catalyst of change, and you empower them in all aspects of their lives. Very few professions on earth could be as noble and rewarding as that. Now, people look at me as the Oprah Winfrey of India, and as I move ahead, I really want to live that kind of legacy.
Everyone is trained for success, but none of us are prepared for the failure. Here is where 'Unknot the NOT' can help people to be ready to face the challenges of their life. Hence, I want the program to become the handiest as well as the preferable tool by everyone around the world.
Key Management
Arpita Verma, Founder & Chief Learning Officer, Inner Quake
Arpita is a professional certified coach from International Coach Federation and a neuro brain based specialist. Coaching & transforming the lives of people are a part of her lifelong obsession with happiness.