GenZ Drive Growth in the Under-Served Petcare Space with Digital Brands

Bringing a pet home is an emotional decision. When we talk about pet parenthood, we always say that this is one decision that has the potential of changing one’s life. The petcare industry in India has...

Indian Startups using Technology to Improve Tea Quality

Tea occupied a center stage in the Indian culture since its first introduction to the...

Transportation Legal Advocating - How Legal Chain Helps in Transportation

In an interaction with CEO Insights, Abeer Kumar, Head of Legal, Rapido, expounds on...

Strategic Imperatives for CEOs to Future-Proof their Business

In the wake of a global pandemic, the world is witnessing tectonic transformations and...

What should Start-Up Companies Focus on at Expansion Phase?

Start-up companies are said to be in the expansion phase when they are able to generate a consistent source of income by capturing new customers or...

OTT to Open Multiverse of Media and Entertainment Jobs

Today, technology and digital platforms have become a fundamental tool for basic functioning across industries including the media sector....

What Benefits does Digital Transformation like Automation bring to a Business for Smart Continuity?

Technology has been at the forefront of all innovation over the last decade. The importance of technology adoption across sectors in recent times...

Harness the Power of Data to Empower an Enterprise's Transformation Journey

As enterprises accelerate their transformation journeys by leveraging data, its data strategy leaders often unconsciously choose one of the several...

Hybrid Education Is A More Efficient System Of Education

The pandemic outbreak last year accelerated the pace of digital adoption. Owing to the COVID-19 induced social distancing norms, businesses...

India 2030: What The Indian Healthcare System Needs

The Indian healthcare sector has seen several changes over the past couple of years. While stringent policy interventions and price caps made it...

Five Reasons To Make Cloud Storage A Business Priority& The Management Protocols Required

The pandemic made the world move to remote operations, and now that even the biggest nay sayers have tasted the benefits, the future is set for its...

Five Reasons That Make Hybrid Events Essential for Your Event Strategy

After a flood of Virtual Events, now Hybrid events have gained prominence in the post-COVID world. Addressing them as a substitute for the...