Generating 'Specialized Content' The Right Approach To Deal With The High Level Of Competition In The Market?

Vinay Singhal, Co-Founder & CEO, Vatsana Technologies, 0
The more you specialize, the better you get, and the more competitive market gets. Being competitive is nothing but striving to become better, take the level a notch up, every day. From the optimum use of resources to being creative and putting all the innovations into one's best use, this is what people do, and the level of competition stays on the rise, forever. In the current digital era, there's no such thing which one can't access via the Internet, but none can hone omniscience. Why? You can only travel in one tunnel till the end and not have the insights of all the tunnels you have in front of you, which is why people keep specializing in the field they work in. In the current context, one can learn about marketing and compete with the marketing pundits of the world. Then, she can specialize in content marketing, search engine marketing, direct marketing, database marketing, social media marketing, guerilla marketing, the chain would never end just like the competition. The more you specialize, the more competitive your world will evolve into. So, what should be the right approach to generate 'specialized content'?
1. Craftsmanship
It's often said that its 20 percent of the efforts in creating something and then 80 percent should be put into promoting it. How you present a product and to which target audience it is exhibited to, makes a drastic difference. You feel special when a friend of yours gifts you a present in a handmade paper than one who buys a glittery wrapping paper. That's where showmanship plays a role in content when you're able to serve specific content to a narrow audience and still do wonders. A content made for the mass attracts a few who like it, but specific content grabs everyone's attention carrying the preference of a particular kind of content, raising the level of competition and also giving you the first movers
2. Authenticity
We no longer live in a world of monopolistic businesses, and the level of competition is on the rise from ages. Which means one shouldn't attempt to be the jack of all trades (and master of none), first. The latter intends towards staying specific and achieving the objective of being authentic. Your USP should revolve around the idea of addressing particular issues related to your target audience, your niche market, and especially something which isn't solved by your competitors.
3. Is it Cost-effective?
Once you've started to target and create content for niche markets, eventually you realize that it's cost effective too. Custom solutions do sound expensive at first. However, the potential return on investment of any niche marketing strategy is expected to be more than generalizing as a whole. Apart from the financial gains, it also ensures that you're cost effectively reaching your target market. Therefore, paid search can prove to be a viable solution for your firm if in a cut throat market people are trying to gain more market share, and none can.
The most preferred way to deal with highlevel competition should be to observe businesses in niche markets. Negative feedbacks can break your foundation in seconds, and some thing highly appealing and good about your content can bring a lot of traction. Word travels fast in a smaller world, faster than you took to acquire a loyal follower base. Don't constrict yourself to one niche, experimentation can lead to new valuable opportunities, and you can always expand your horizon slowly towards specializing in several content niches.
Lastly the only thing you must remember before spreading your wings or going for a broader spectrum with multiple specializations in content is, never should your plans affect the value of your current product. Avoid compromising the standards of your existing con-tent to make the shift to the specialized content or vice versa.
2. Authenticity
We no longer live in a world of monopolistic businesses, and the level of competition is on the rise from ages. Which means one shouldn't attempt to be the jack of all trades (and master of none), first. The latter intends towards staying specific and achieving the objective of being authentic. Your USP should revolve around the idea of addressing particular issues related to your target audience, your niche market, and especially something which isn't solved by your competitors.
The only thing you must remember before spreading your wings or going for a broader spectrum with multiple specializations in content is, never should your plans affect the value of your current product
3. Is it Cost-effective?
Once you've started to target and create content for niche markets, eventually you realize that it's cost effective too. Custom solutions do sound expensive at first. However, the potential return on investment of any niche marketing strategy is expected to be more than generalizing as a whole. Apart from the financial gains, it also ensures that you're cost effectively reaching your target market. Therefore, paid search can prove to be a viable solution for your firm if in a cut throat market people are trying to gain more market share, and none can.
The most preferred way to deal with highlevel competition should be to observe businesses in niche markets. Negative feedbacks can break your foundation in seconds, and some thing highly appealing and good about your content can bring a lot of traction. Word travels fast in a smaller world, faster than you took to acquire a loyal follower base. Don't constrict yourself to one niche, experimentation can lead to new valuable opportunities, and you can always expand your horizon slowly towards specializing in several content niches.
Lastly the only thing you must remember before spreading your wings or going for a broader spectrum with multiple specializations in content is, never should your plans affect the value of your current product. Avoid compromising the standards of your existing con-tent to make the shift to the specialized content or vice versa.