Leonard Jackson: Making Healthcare Transportation Accessible For Common Public | CEOInsights Vendor
Leonard Jackson: Making Healthcare Transportation Accessible For Common Public

Leonard Jackson: Making Healthcare Transportation Accessible For Common Public

  Leonard Jackson,      Founder & Director

Leonard Jackson

Founder & Director

The last couple of years has acted as a reality check on the crumbling nature of our healthcare sector and the lack of facilities it promises. As we continue to make strides in technology and incorporate it in various sectors to make them more efficient, there still is a lack of integration of modern methods in the healthcare arena. With a determination to bridge this gap and make a difference in the healthcare structure of the country, Leonard Jackson founded AmbiPalm Health. As a Founder & Director he has brought a shift in the manner in which health transportation works in India. In the short span of 1.5 years, the firm has expanded into 15 cities across India and is on the path to becoming the leading health transportation solution in the coming years.

Here are some highlights from our interaction with Leonard.

Throw some light on your professional background & experience. What inspired you to venture into entrepreneurship, and what drives you today?
I have over 21 years of expertise in a variety of fields, including BPOs, training and development, online shopping, and logistics. I've always had a passion for making a difference and bringing a positive change in people's lives. I needed to establish something of my own to make an impact if I wanted to make a difference. I've always wanted to do some thing to serve society, and what better way to do so than to save people's lives? The zeal that motivates me dates back to 2016, when I lost my younger brother in a motorcycle accident, the primary cause of which was his inability to obtain an ambulance in a timely manner. This is what fueled us to establish our company aiming to assist patients in locating an ambulance that will arrive on time, every time.

How would you define AmbiPalm Health as an organization and its position in the market? What is the unique proposition that your organization offers to its clients?
Since its inception, AmbiPalm has
developed substantially. We've grown into a significant ambulance services provider in India, with operations in 15 cities and working plans to expand to another 15 locations. We've established ourselves as a leading player in this market and have had a significant impact on the medical transportation industry. One of our most vital USPs is that we've been able to resurrect the phrase 'Customer is King' and successfully incorporate it into the health transportation sector. Ambulance services is an unorganized sector with an inconsistent pricing arrangement. Other ambulance firms take advantage of the situation by overcharging patients. The adjustment we've implemented allows patients to get an agreed pocket friendly ride for their travel, making it more affordable and reducing stress. We feel that the cost of a trip should be the last thing on a patient's mind when being transported.

AmbiPalm ambulances come with state of the art equipment and the right equipment which is very important. A lot of times there are ambulances that either have faulty equipment or old equipment or wrong equipment. AmbiPalm follows US standards in operating their ambulances and ensures seamless experience for their patients during medical travel. Ambulances that are best in class, fully equipped with right equipment, professional drivers, helpers and paramedics coupled with state of the art technology puts AmbiPalm in the forefront as a leader in the medical transport industry across the country.

Why did you choose Hyderabad to be the breeding ground for your company? How has the place favored you so far in your operations?
I chose Hyderabad as the breeding ground because this place has been my home for the past five years while I worked for Flipkart. This city has a very nurturing infrastructure for startups and a professional culture which has enabled us to develop and flourish much more quickly. We find all the required resources and workforce without a lot of hassle, which is extremely favorable for us.

How do you maintain the perfect balance between your personal and professional life? What is your success mantra?
I firmly believe in striking the correct work life balance in order to achieve success. Because I work in the emergency services sector, I spend a lot of time at work. I do, however, make time for myself and my family and do things that help me recharge
for the hectic days ahead. My 2-year-old daughter is the ultimate stress-reliever for me, and we enjoy spending a lot of time together. In her own unique ways, she keeps me occupied for a few minutes, giving me the freedom to just be myself in her small world. The success mantra I live by is simple We only have a restricted amount of time in life. Therefore it is vital to make the most of our days in both our personal and professional lives.

Going forward, what are the changes in market behavior that you anticipate, and what are the opportunities that you foresee?
As per WHO, India should have 2,50,000 ambulances due to its large population, however, currently, the ambulance network only comprises 25,000 ambulances across the country. According to projections for the future, the need for ambulances will only rise on account of an increase in the frequencies of road accidents, cardio vascular disorders, and dialysis. The ability to develop a network of ambulances that can reach patients in their hour of need is critical, and we want to create a system that not only gets to patients on time but also can be tracked so that patients can know where their ambulance is at any particular time.

In the light of your strong experience in the industry, what advice would you give to the budding entrepreneurs?
Entrepreneurship is daunting but not impossible. However, those possessing a vision and determination that their idea will solve a real issue must move forward with confidence that it can be accomplished. The harsh reality of things is that many people will not believe your idea or follow your vision at first, perhaps even question if you know what you are talking about. But the key is to keep believing and attracting like-minded people to help you accomplish the goal you set out to achieve.

Leonard Jackson, Founder & Director, AmbiPalm Health
Despite humble beginnings, forcing him to start working at an early age, Leonard always had the will to make a real difference in the world. With 21 years of experience in multiple fields, he had gained a lot of diverse experience, which led him to become a successful entrepreneur.

•Favorite cuisine: Continental
•Favorite book: Any kind of Leadership books
•Favorite Travel Destination: Switzerland & Dubai
Awards & Recognition: High Flyers Award, Top 50 Achiever's Award, and New Think Foundation Award.

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