Nilesh Surve: Elevating Quality Standards With Unique Leadership Approach | CEOInsights Vendor
Nilesh Surve: Elevating Quality Standards With Unique Leadership Approach

Nilesh Surve: Elevating Quality Standards With Unique Leadership Approach

 Nilesh Surve ,  Head - Quality

Nilesh Surve

Head - Quality

In the realm of corporate leadership, the pivotal role of a seasoned quality management professional cannot be overstated. Currently serving as the Quality Head at TF4GLOBAL Nilesh Surve has over 18 years of diverse expertise in Oil & Gas, power & Energy, aerospace, and automobile industries. Nilesh has left an indelible mark on the organizations he has been a part of, including Raychem RPG, IDEMI, Godrej, and M&M. Renowned for his outstanding contributions, Nilesh has received prestigious awards such as the Excellence Award and Valued Contribution award, attesting to his exceptional leadership in spearheading digitization and cost-saving initiatives.

As a seasoned quality management profes-sional, he has not only shaped the trajectory of organizations but has also set a standard for highquality standards through his certifications in Business Excellence. Nilesh Surve stands as a dynamic leader, continuously driving innovation and success in the realm of quality management. Let’s read about him.

How do you characterize TF4GLOBAL as a company and its market positioning? What sets your organization apart and constitutes its distinctive proposition for clients?

TF4GLOBAL is distinguished as a pinnacle of excellence and ingenuity within the manufacturing domain. As a prominent startup, our proactive strategies have elevated us to a prime position in the market. Our primary focus lies in international business, presenting clients with an exclusive offering that amalgamates the nimbleness and inventive spirit of a startup with the dependability and elevated quality benchmarks associated with well-established entities. Our conscientious execution of stringent quality control procedures across the entire product lifecycle not only assures adherence to industry norms but also establishes us as trailblazers, continually surpassing customer anticipations within the competitive arena.
In your role as the head of quality, how do you formulate quality control processes, and what methodologies do you employ to create significant value for customers?

As the Quality Head, my emphasis revolves around incorporating a varied array of quality tools and perpetually refining methodologies. The essence of our quality control processes lies in precision and innovation. We harness potent methodologies like Lean Six Sigma and Total Quality Management to optimize operations, fostering heightened productivity. Prioritizing ongoing improvement, we deploy diverse quality tools to pinpoint areas for refinement, minimize defects, and guarantee the unwavering provision of topnotch products. This dedication to excellence not only meets but surpasses customer expectations, delivering significant value across all facets of our operations.

Nilesh Surve stands as a dynamic leader, conti-nuously driving inn-ovation & success in the realm of quality management

Share insights into your leadership approach. What principles or methodologies guide your leadership style?

At the core of my leadership approach is the cultivation of a culture centered on continuous improvement and empowerment. I place a strong emphasis on open communication, recognizing and rewarding excellence, and facilitating avenues for professional growth. Through the establishment of well-defined goals and the promotion of innovative thinking, I lead my team in attaining quality objectives. This strategy guarantees a dynamic and collaborative environment, where each team member actively contributes to the overarching success of the organization.

Where do you envision your ultimate destination in the future?

As the Quality Head at TF4GLOBAL, I foresee a future where I consistently grow as a leader, adeptly tackling challenges and spearheading innovation in quality assurance. A crucial element of this path includes leading the way in digitalization and automation within our quality control processes, with the goal of boosting efficiency and precision. I aim to establish myself
as a thought leader, shaping best practices and actively participating in the ongoing industry dialogue. While contributing to TF4GLOBAL's triumphs, my personal vision is intertwined with continual learning, professional advancement, and leaving a lasting imprint on the quality landscape through the strategic incorporation of cutting-edge technologies.

Considering your substantial industry experience, what guidance would you offer to emerging leaders in the field?

For aspiring industry leaders, I would underscore the significance of adopting a comprehensive perspective. Integrate technical proficiency with a dedication to ongoing education. Cultivate a team environment that values collaboration and innovation, placing customer satisfaction at the forefront, and proactively keeping abreast of industry trends. Embrace challenges as avenues for personal and professional growth, and, most importantly, lead with integrity while inspiring those in your sphere.

Nilesh Surve, Quality Head, TF4GLOBAL

Nilesh Surve, a seasoned quality management professional with 18+ years' diverse experience in Oil & Gas, power, aerospace, and automobile industries. Held key roles at Raychem RPG, IDEMI, Godrej and M&M, contributing significantly to organizational success and growth.

•Hobbies:Enjoy pursuing outdoor activities like hiking and cycling, and have a keen interest in exploring new technologies and advan-cements in quality assurance

•Favorite Cuisine: Indian cuisine holds a special place for its rich flavours and diverse offerings

Favorite Book: The Goal by Eliyahu M.Goldratt, has significantly influenced my approach to quality management

•Favorite Travel Destination: The allure of picturesque landscapes and cultural richness makes Switzerland my favorite travel destination. The combination of natural beauty and technological innovation never fails to captivate me

•Awards & Recognition: Excellence Award and Valued Contribution award, for my outstanding achievements in spearheading digitization efforts within quality and rejection control projects. My dedication to maintaining highquality standards is under scored by my certifications in Business Excellence

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