
India's Evolving IT Talent Pool: Catalyst for Global Influence

India's Evolving IT Talent Pool: Catalyst for Global Influence

Praveen Cherian, CEO, Global Services, STL, 0

A seasoned technology professional, Praveen holds over three decades of experience in the areas of IT sales & marketing, services delivery, solutions design and project management. Prior to joining STL in 2021, he served as the VP & Head – Infrastructure Services Business (India & South-Asia) at IBM and started his career as the Senior Marketing Specialist for Wipro’s Communication Division. In a recent conversation with CEO Insights, Praveen shared his insights on various aspects pertaining to the current IT talent pool in India. Below are a few key extracts–

Shed light on the evolution of the Indian IT talent pool in the recent times.
From a primarily cost-effective option to a highly sought-after resource by global organizations, India’s IT talent pool has undergone a remarkable transformation lately. Initially, the cost advantage made India an attractive outsourcing destination for western companies seeking to optimize their IT budgets. However, as India’s IT industry matured, the perception of its professionals began to expand beyond mere cost-effectiveness. Today, Indian IT professionals are recognized for their strong technical expertise, adaptability, and ability to deliver innovative solutions. The combination of technical prowess and practical experience has made Indian IT professionals highly sought-after by global organizations seeking top-tier talent. The evolving perception of India’s IT talent pool is evident in the growing number of multinational corporations establishing R&D centers in India. This industry-led investment is further propelling India’s IT industry forward, creating new opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing. The rise of Indian IT professionals to global prominence is also exemplified by the success of country’s startups in the technology sector. They have demonstrated the capabilities of Indian IT professionals to deliver world-class solutions and compete effectively on the global stage.

What are the key aspects of India’s primary education system that contribute to nurturing a technically skilled talent pool?
Firstly, there has been a significant emphasis on STEM education from the foundational years, ensuring students develop a strong foundation in crucial disciplines. The curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and hands-on application, providing students with practical skills that are directly applicable to the dynamic field of technology. Thus, India has consistently ranked among the top performers in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Moreover, initiatives such as digital literacy programs and coding competitions have become integral parts of the education landscape, nurturing an early interest in technology among students. The government’s focus on Skill India and Digital India campaigns has further amplified efforts to align education with industry needs. As a result, we see a growing number of technically proficient graduates entering the workforce annually, contributing to the vibrant IT talent pool in India.

What impacts do Indian-origin leaders in top IT companies have on our country’s growing influence in the global tech industry?
The impact of Indian-origin leaders extends beyond individual success stories. Their presence in top IT
companies have created a network of mentorship and support for Indian tech professionals, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. This network has played a crucial role in attracting and retaining top talent in India, further strengthening the country’s position in the global tech industry. Leaders like Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, and Arvind Krishna have not only steered their respective organizations to new heights but have also become global ambassadors for the capabilities of Indian talent. Moreover, the success of Indian-origin leaders has helped change the perception of India as a primarily cost-effective outsourcing destination. Instead, India is now recognized as a hub for innovation and talent, capable of delivering cutting-edge technology solutions to the world. This shift in perception has opened up new opportunities for Indian tech companies and professionals, further propelling our nation’s growth in the global tech industry.

The symbiotic relationship between technology and economic growth positions India as a formidable player in the global landscape, fostering a sustainable and innovation-driven economy.

Throw some light on how India’s exceptional IT has influenced the ‘Make in India’ initiative and the overall growth of our economy.
Firstly, the IT sector has been a significant enabler for the Make on India initiative by providing the technological backbone necessary for diverse industries. From manufacturing to services, digital transformation powered by Indian IT professionals has streamlined operations, enhanced productivity, and facilitated the integration of cutting-edge technologies. This has not only attracted foreign investments but has also empowered local businesses to compete on a global scale. Furthermore, the IT sector has been a major contributor to job creation, fostering a skilled workforce that extends beyond traditional IT roles. As the economy diversifies, the cross- pollination of IT skills into various sectors enhances overall productivity and innovation. With a burgeoning technology services and software industry, India has become a preferred destination for outsourcing and offshoring, leading to a steady influx of foreign exchange that has a cascading effect on the economy, driving consumption, investment, and overall economic development. The symbiotic relationship between technology and economic growth positions India as a formidable player in the global landscape, fostering a sustainable and innovation-driven economy

Suggest a few strategies to ensure the continued development of India’s skilled IT workforce as a global competitive advantage.
Recently, many strategies and initiatives have been implemented to secure the continued development and sustainability of India’s skilled IT workforce as a global competitive advantage. One notable approach is the collaboration between the government, educational
institutions and the industry to align education with the evolving needs of the IT sector. Additionally, skill development programs and vocational training initiatives play a crucial role in enhancing the employability of the workforce. The government’s Skill India mission, coupled with private sector initiatives, focuses on upskilling workers to meet the demands of a rapidly changing technological landscape. These programs not only bridge skill gaps but also ensure that the IT workforce remains versatile and adaptable. Also, the encouragement of innovation
and entrepreneurship through initiatives like Startup India fosters a culture of creativity and risk-taking, enriching the talent pool and positioning India as a hub for innovation.