
Robosoft boosts embedded engineering with TechnoPro India integration


Robosoft Technologies, recognized for its comprehensive digital transformation services and a wholly-owned subsidiary of TechnoPro Holdings, Japan, has broadened its range of services through the integration of TechnoPro India's operations. Renowned for designing and developing digital platforms for both consumer and enterprise needs, Robosoft will now leverage the specialized capabilities in embedded engineering brought forth by the merger with TechnoPro India.

Historically, Robosoft has concentrated on BFSI, Media & Entertainment, Retail & e-commerce sectors. However, with the addition of embedded engineering capabilities, Robosoft is now poised to cater to the Manufacturing, Automotive & Construction industries worldwide. This expansion enables Robosoft to deliver advanced engineering and design solutions, encompassing Model-Based Development & Testing, as well as Model Development for Architectural and Unit levels utilizing technologies from MathWorks, dSPACE, and Autodesk.

Commenting on the development, Gaku Shimaoka, Representative Director and COO of TechnoPro Holdings said, "We set up TechnoPro India prior to our acquisition of Robosoft Technologies. With our aspiration to be a global solutions leader in both the software and embedded engineering space, we thought it best to lead our global growth and expansion under the Robosoft brand. We believe that India is an amazing market for global outsourcing in these cutting-edge technologies. This is a win-win development as we can leverage the strengths of both TechnoPro in Japan and Robosoft globally".

Ravi Teja Bommireddipalli, the global CEO of Robosoft Technologies said, "Building end-to-end digital products and platforms using a human-centered design approach is at our core. We recently added AI/Analytics through our acquisition of the analytics consulting practice of Cartesian Consulting Pvt. Ltd. We have partnered with CyberArk for Cybersecurity and SAP Signavio for business process modelling services recently. We are now inheriting deep expertise and skillsets for providing embedded engineering services through this integration. We thus become a one-stop shop for building smart digital platforms for most industries".