
AI Tools that Can Help Businesses Generate Business



To remain competitive in the current fast-paced digital environment, small businesses must find creative solutions to the demands they are experiencing. Artificial intelligence (AI)-related technological developments are equipping small firms with the resources they need to face complex problems.

Since they can automate procedures, boost productivity, and enhance decision-making, among other things, AI-based technologies are becoming quite popular among small firms. Using AI tools in small business environments has the following major benefits:

Symantec Endpoint Protection

Companies that carry out any portion of their operations online must assess their cybersecurity. One tool that uses machine learning to secure digital assets is Symantec Endpoint Protection. The program may independently learn over time how to differentiate between trustworthy and harmful files when it comes into contact with various security concerns. Since the platform's AI interface can automatically download new updates and learn from each security threat to better tackle malware, it relieves humans of the burden of setting software and running upgrades.


To assist businesses in automating and streamlining customer support operations, this customer service platform makes use of AI-powered solutions. Business owners may manage customer questions, assign tickets to the right support teams, and deliver individualized customer care with Zendesk's AI technologies.


Business intelligence is the main emphasis of the AI tool Tableau. It is a platform for data visualization that allows businesses to forecast their industries and develop business plans. According to the company's website, Tableau's AI and augmented analytics technologies enable users to acquire data insights more quickly than they would through manual processes.

Einstein AI

Companies can use Salesforce, a top SaaS provider, as a cloud-enabled, machine learning-integrated software platform to manage their customer support, sales, and product development activities.

To assist staff in making more data-informed decisions, the company's AI platform, known as Einstein AI, functions as a smart assistant that can provide recommendations and automate tedious data entry. Salesforce also provides a variety of apps that may be incorporated into its platform, allowing companies to modify it to suit their own needs.

Using real-time data insights, the machine learning platform enables businesses to tackle business difficulties.'s solutions can manage a wide range of corporate processes, from fraud detection to predictive customer care, freeing up employee time to concentrate efforts on bigger company initiatives. According to the H2C website, the company's independent AI can do lengthy tasks in a matter of hours or even seconds.

Oracle AI

Oracle AI, which was created specifically for developers and engineers, analyzes client feedback and builds precise prediction models using extracted data. According to the corporate website, Oracle's platform can automatically gather data from open-source frameworks, saving developers the time and effort of having to build software or apps from scratch. Additionally, its platform provides chatbot capabilities that assess consumer needs and put them in touch with the proper resources or support.


To help businesses in directing their development and growth, SAS is an AI data management software that depends on open-source and cloud-enablement technology. According to the company's website, SAS's platform can handle a variety of business tasks, including customer intelligence, risk assessment, identity verification, and business forecasting, to help businesses better govern their course.


Theano is an AI-driven library that programmers may use to create, improve, and launch successful code projects. According to the product's website, Theano can independently identify and fix defects or system malfunctions with little assistance from outside sources since it was created with machine learning capabilities.


An AI-powered time management application called TimeHero assists users in keeping track of their schedules, to-do lists, and project calendars. According to TimeHero's website, the platform's machine learning skills can automatically remind staff members when meetings are scheduled, when to submit emails, and when certain projects are due. Users of TimeHero can synchronize their personal calendars with those of their colleagues to increase project collaboration and accommodate one another's deadline dates.


A cloud-integrated AI platform called Zia was developed by business software provider Zoho to assist businesses in gathering organizational knowledge and transforming client feedback into strategy. According to the company website, Zia's AI technologies may examine client calendars, customer sales trends, and workflow patterns to assist staff members on every team in boosting productivity and success rates.

Why Adopting AI Tools Matter

Businesses may improve operations, acquire a competitive edge, and speed up growth by integrating AI tools and frameworks into every area of their operations. The world is already being transformed by AI to a great extent, and it will continue to do so in the future. In light of this, it is crucial for organizations to incorporate AI-enabled technologies in order to manage their staff and daily operations.  AI-based technologies are capable of carrying out activities more accurately and consistently than people, reducing the possibility of mistakes and improving the standard of the work. For instance, accounting software driven by AI can provide financial reports and manage spending properly.

High-power analytics capabilities found in AI-based solutions allow firms to empower themselves with real-time information and make better-informed decisions about trends, opportunities, and risks.

By automating operations that would normally require human labor, AI-based products can cut expenses.

Businesses can quickly respond to client inquiries and feedback by using AI-powered tools and solutions. An illustration of this advantage is the employment of chatbots.

AI is now capable of resolving difficult problems due to advancements in AI technology, from fundamental Machine Learning to sophisticated Deep Learning models.

Robotic process automation (RPA) tools that are AI-powered can simplify arduous work for a corporation by automating interactions across several business systems.

Businesses can stay ahead of the competition and draw in new customers by improving their efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making.