Sonic Wall: Offering an Undeniable Career Proposition in Cybersecurity | CEOInsights Vendor
Sonic Wall: Offering an Undeniable Career Proposition in Cybersecurity

Sonic Wall: Offering an Undeniable Career Proposition in Cybersecurity

Debasish Mukherjee,    Debasish Mukherjee,  Vice President - Sales, APAC

Debasish Mukherjee

Debasish Mukherjee, Vice President - Sales, APAC

There are five billion internet users worldwide, which is well more than 60 percent of the global population. The sky-rocketing use of the internet for a comprehensive range of business operations, including the collection, generation, and preservation & protection of sensitive business information, has made it imperative to protect such information from unauthorized access.

The hybrid workplace paradigm has only intensified this situation. Cybersecurity has become critical to the fabric of any modern business, making it one of the largest, fastest-growing markets in the world. As breach after breach hits the headlines, the demand for cyber-avengers is flaring. The industry is in desperate need of more professionals, engendering one of the most competitive career paths in the process. No wonder skilled candidates and professionals alike choose safe, future proof options like SonicWall – an American cybersecurity company that safeguards organizations with seamless protection combating the most evasive cyberattacks across boundless exposure points and increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled workforces.

While the cyber-attacks were pouring down unprecedentedly with the pandemic’s beginning,this 1991-born organization was at the forefront of counter action. The unique growth curve of SonicWall in the past couple of years is a solid testament to this. Propelled by the delivery of high demand products, including the evolution of its Generation 7 next-generation firewalls and a laser focus on its customers, SonicWall delivered record levels of sales and profitability in the yesteryear. The company savoured double digit growth across all customer segments, from SMBs to enterprise and government customers, with an over whelming customer retention rate of 90 percent. With over 2500 partners in the subcontinent, SonicWall’s India business is expected to close the year with an all time high revenue, especially in Enterprise Sales.

"We ensure that our people can advance their careers through hands-on experience and constant learning while receiving highly competitive compensation and reward"

However, beyond the unparalleled employee exposure and growth opportunities globally, the modern-day workforce deserves and rightly demands a world-class work environment with great appreciation and a friendly HR policy inclusive of their physical and mental needs. SonicWall offers a unique work environment amalgamating the best of both worlds, making it an undeniable career proposition.

To explore more about the inside of SonicWall, CEO Insights engages in an exclusive interview with Debasish Mukherjee, Vice President Sales, APAC, SonicWall.

How Would You Define Sonicwall As An Organization And Its Position In The Market? What Is The Unique Proposition That Your Organization
Offers To Its Employees?
Sonic Wall products, services, and innovative technology help secure thousands of organizations globally and are consistently recognized by industry leaders for ease of use and security efficacy. SonicWall helps organizations build, scale, and manage security across cloud,hybrid and traditional environments. SonicWall Boundless Cyber security moves away from constrained security approaches to modern, unbound, and cost-effective security you can trust.

We also have an ongoing spot award program that provides Managers with an opportunity to award employees a certificate and monetary award for outstanding efforts on specific projects

There are several unique benefits to choosing a career at SonicWall, including having the chance to work on the cutting edge of cybersecurity. We believe that while an excellent cybersecurity portfolio can attract top talent, it takes good leadership and a great corporate culture to retain talent.

We ensure that our people can advance their careers through hands-on experience and constant learning while receiving highly competitive compensation and reward.

Tell Us About The Exposure Your Company Offers To Its Employees. Also, How Would You Describe The Work Culture Of Sonicwall?
SonicWall is a 30 years old company that has grown to over 1600 employees in various geographies. While there is great cultural diversity amongst our people , SonicWall ensures that they all enjoy a good mix of a challenging and learning work environment and a home away from home atmosphere with their colleagues, seniors, etc., no matter which part of the world they operate from. We believe in a culture of sharing and caring.

Tell Us About The Technology Environment The Employees Are In. What Are The Latest Cyber-Sec Technologies The Company Is Working With?
Sonic Wall orchestrates a complex and broad product offering by aligning Agile Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC) best practices. From design to deployment, employees work towards ensuring product quality, integrity, and security of products for the clientele.

SonicWall also has a QA testing lab where builds are tested to ensure products meet or exceed internal quality standards, including product patches and maintenance updates.

What Growth Opportunities And Recognition Can The Employees Expect From The Organization?
Our Talent Management team works with managers to create career paths for the various functions. Managers can guide employees down the learning path so they can advance to the next level. We have designed several award programs for recognizing employees.

For instance, the ‘Boundless Award’ is given out quarterly to employees who their managers and peers nominate for their efforts to support the SonicWall Boundless model. The newly created ‘Technical Excellence Award’ will be presented quarterly to engineers who demonstrate high levels of technical achievements. We also have an ongoing Spot Award Program that provides managers with an opportunity to award employees a certificate and
monetary award for outstanding efforts on specific projects. In addition, our monthly HR Newsletter features a section called “Life Outside of SonicWall” to highlight the employees’ careers and accomplishments during their non-work hours.

What Does Sonicwall Expect From New Candidates In Terms Of Attitude, Work Ethics, And Talent, Among Others?
We take pride in the fact that SonicWall is a family of hard-working dedicated employees. A positive attitude with the willingness to “roll up your sleeves and help out where needed” is essential in order to be successful at SonicWall. Collaboration across functions is key. Although SonicWall employs individuals with a very high level of expertise, we also welcome the new college grads who are eager to learn and bring their fresh new thoughts to the organization.

Debasish Mukherjee, Vice President — Sales, APAC, SonicWal
Debasish is a seasoned and accomplished leader with diverse sales, business, and partner leadership experience in the IT sector. As the Vice President of Sales, APAC at SonicWall, Debasish brings vast cybersecurity industry experience. His strengths extend to channel and strategic alliance management and building extensive business networks to support the company and the industry’s growth.

Debasish is a business evangelist and has been a mentor to grow young talents in the organization and industry. He builds and coaches high-performance teams and is skilled in business processes, go-to-market strategy, partner enablement, and customer value enhancement.Before SonicWall, Debasish worked at Huawei and Dell, focusing on the management and growth of their enterprise solutions in India. Debashish has done his MBA in Marketing from the New Delhi Institute of Management.

Established in:1991
Headquarter:California, US
Number of Employees:1300+
SonicWall in Spotlight:
An American cybersecurity company Sonic Wall delivers Boundless Cybersecurity for the hyper-distributed era in a work reality. The company safeguards organizations mobilizing for their new business normal with seamless protection that stops the most evasive cyber attacks across boundless exposure points and increasingly remote mobile, and cloud-enabled work forces.

“SonicWall celebrated 30th anniversary in 2021 by applauding its employees for their hard work and dedication and most of all their loyalty. Whether it’s a team member’s second day or 20th year, their continued efforts at helping safeguard the world’s networks from cybercrime have helped make SonicWall the company it is today. There fore, we are committed to make their contributions worthwhile, through various HR programs on rewards and recognitions.”
~ Sarah Chapman, Vice President, Human Resources, SonicWall

“I truly enjoy my work experience at SonicWall, where you feel a part of a large family. We have a culture of knowledge sharing and helping each other grow our skills and learn from others’ experience. We all are dedicated to our Boundless Cyber security mission and work with a single mind set of collaborating to make an impact for the larger good of securing work and personal lives from all sorts of cyber-attacks no matter where(cloud, hybrid or on ground).”
~ Mohit Puri, Country Manager, India, and SAARC, SonicWall

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