Taashee Linux Services: Driving People To Become Their Next Best Version | CEOInsights Vendor
Taashee Linux Services: Driving People To Become Their Next Best Version

Taashee Linux Services: Driving People To Become Their Next Best Version

 Abhishek Datt,   MD & CTO

Abhishek Datt


What makes an organization a great place to work? It’s not just about caring for and supporting the employees, but also challenging them to grow along with it, which makes a company standout. Crafting a place of work that promotes mutual trust and respect amongst the employees and employers, most of the organizations at present are coming forward to demonstrate their commitment toward a synergetic relationship with each of its resources.

Meeting the financial, mental, physical, and emotional needs of the employees that enables them to be more productive, content, and enthusiastic to stay at the company long term, Taashee Linux Services has emerged as one of the most coveted organizations in the country. Every employee at Taashee finds a unique place in the company’s progress in the form of contributions; be it in Sales, Technical, Marketing Operations, Accounts, or any other department. With a firm belief that talent is one attribute that is neither lent nor learned, Taashee is pragmatically engaged to create an equal share of opportunities for all of its employees to perform to their fullest. Abhishek Datt, MD & CTO of Taashee Linux Services engages in an exclusive interaction with CEO Insights.

What is the unique proposition that Taashee Linux Services offers to its employees?
One of the greatest features that we provide our employees is a great learning experience. Most of our ex-employees will also agree to the fact that not only they have learned a great deal from Taashee during their tenure, but the expertise they have garnered over here has helped them to succeed in much bigger organizations. In Taashee, most of our resources gain as much as three times more than what they could have experienced elsewhere. This is because not only do we invest heavily in terms of crafting individualistic training programs for them, but they also enjoy round-the-clock access to some very highend infrastructure for them to experiment and learn under the guidance of experienced and skilled mentors.

In our labs there are hundreds of
simulations and scenarios available that represent real world scenarios of any modern-day enterprise. New simulations are constantly added. Our purpose is to persistently improve the skills of our team so that they provide extra value to our customers and to themselves. Admired and acknowledged in the industry to be one of the best open source companies when it comes to deliveries, we are proud of the unique work culture that sets us apart from our competitors.

Benefitting our employees by imparting expertise through regular assessment and skill learning programs, we encourage them to experiment and craft an exponential learning curve without any restrictions

Tell us about the technology environment the employees get to work in. What are the latest technologies the company is working with?
The kind of value that we bring to the table for our customers is quite compelling because typically, the kind of skills and proficiency that our team provides are not easy to get by.

In terms of the latest technologies, that we are providing our employees to work with are Openshift OpenStack, Kubernetes Container platform, and so on. And then in the middleware side, we provide them training on JBoss. On the development side, we provide them training on Java Spring boot, Python, Micorservices and the Alfresco CMS fram work. So, broadly speaking, we have two groups, one is the IT/cloud group and the other is the application development group. So, during the training, the IT/ cloud group goes through all these cloud-related technologies such as Openstack, Openshift and modern DevOps and DevSecOps tools. Meanwhile, the application development is more about how to design and develop microservices based applications, how we migrate from a monolithic space to a microservices based cloud native application environment, and so on. So, these are the two tracks that we run, and both tracks are extremely comprehensive. Benefitting our employees by imparting expertise through regular assessment and skill learning programs, we encourage them to experiment and craft an exponential learning curve without any restrictions.

What does Taashee Linux Services expect from new candidates in terms of attitude, work ethics, &
talent, among others?
Like most of the new-age organizations, we too have a multi-tiered recruitment system in place. It begins with some standard aptitude tests, and as we go ahead, it relies on more of practical problem solving skills.

Instead of having a canned interview process, we craft assessments for each particular person because we understand that every person has a different take on learning capabilities and how they deliver. While the third important aspect for us is their creativity; the fourth will be ownership because irrespective of the size of the assignment that we provide them, we expect them to be good at it. In the fifth position comes the trait excellence, which means, even if you’re doing a small job, it has to be really as per the guidelines. We provide our recruited resources with a lot of materials related to our ongoing projects, delivered projects, customer feedback, and so on. We also encourage them to see what the other team members have done to achieve that so that they get to understand what is minimally expected from them. So, these are a few important qualities that we seek in our employees.

What are the ways of recognizing top talents & great performances within the organization?
We drive people to strive to become their next best version. In our organization, we not only ensure that the contributions of our employees are recognized, but also rewarded. Enabling our teams to work transparently, the strategy of rewarding our employees encourages them to achieve more milestones. The achievements of our employees are not only seen by their immediate manager, but also by our complete hierarchy of executives in a democratic way. We ensure that the contribution of our employees doesn’t go unnoticed and they are bestowed with the apt recognition that they deserve. So, we have very strong rewards and recognition processes inbuilt across our working ecosystem.

Abhishek Datt, MD & CTO, Taashee Linux Services
Equipped with more than 22 years of expertise in the segment of open-source enterprises, Abhishek has worked across different parts of India and Abroad, especially Malaysia & Singapore. After discovering his passion for Linux, Abhishek founded his company ELX Linux, that pioneered Linux on Desktops and won global reviews and acclaims. After returning to India in 2007, Abhishek laid the foundation of Taashee Linux Services, which is considered India’s top Open source based services company and is spread across all the metro cities of India as well as Singapore and caters to numerous global customers at present.

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