Apiculture: A Boon to Mankind

24 November, 2022

Our ancestors said that bees originally evolved from hunting wasps which acquired a taste for nectar and decided to become vegetarians. Few researchers suggest that bees probably appeared on the planet about the same time as flowering plants in...

World Space Week 2022: Satellites Have Eyes on a Better Future

08 November, 2022

Space Technologies play a crucial role in our lives today, often more than one would imagine. But one...

Climate Change in the Northern Hemisphere Proposes Danger

04 November, 2022

The scarcity of water has become a global crisis. Not only does humankind suffer from the water crisis,...

Can Nigeria’s New Industry Policies Uplift the Country's Textile Industry?

04 November, 2022

Sustainable and ethical fashion is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. It isn't easy to comprehend...

Will South Australia's Fruit Fly Eradication Methods Bear Fruit for its Horticulture Industry?

07 October, 2022

Harvest season means fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, other food grains, and of course, the uninvited guest, the fruit fly. Fruit flies are hard...

Here are Some Techniques to Kill SARS-CoV-2 Virus in Room Temperature

30 September, 2022

Currently, around 61.7 crore people are infected by the deadly SARS-CoV-2, resulting in more than 65.4 deaths worldwide. The health crisis...

Digitally Manufactured Plasma Sensors Could Help Scientists Predict Climate Change

03 August, 2022

The last decade has been the reinvigoration of space travel with technological innovations driving it. However, it is worth spending time over...

Space Proves to be a Better Farming Ground for Growing Stem Cells

25 July, 2022

Physiological effects commonly observed in astronauts are the typical space hairdo floating and swaying as they move around in their...

How 'Right to Repair' Will Play into the Palm of Consumers and Companies

20 July, 2022

Visiting the local electronics repair shop is relatively the most reliable option for most people looking for a quick gadget fix. Not to...

Kellogg's Business Split: Will they Bustle or Tussle?

19 July, 2022

Some mornings, the only reason to wake up is for a cup of coffee. But to start the day, a proper breakfast would not only suffice as an energy...

EU's Deepfake Battle: Tech Companies Must Either Join or Pay Hefty Price

14 July, 2022

When internet icon Jordan Peele made a public service announcement (PSA) showing people that a new era is upon the tech world, with enemies...

Plants Could Synthesis Food without Sunlight?

29 June, 2022

Converting light energy into chemical energy might sound easy, but it would be impossible to estimate the importance of photosynthesis in...

Apple's AR/VR Headset Progress Check: When will You Get to Have it?

17 June, 2022

A silent army of 100 Apple employees has been working closely on blending the digital world with the real one for the past 20 years. This army is...

CEPA Could Revolutionize India-UAE Bilateral Trade

10 December, 2021

Existing humanitarian crisis coupled with a sluggish government attitude among others, worsened India’s economy when COVID-19 entered the...